????谷歌公司(Google)神秘的研發(fā)項目——無人駕駛汽車本月早些時候露出了一點風聲。據報道,,谷歌正在悄悄地游說美國內華達州的立法機構,,希望通過相關法律,使內華達成為第一個立法允許無人駕駛汽車在公共道路上行駛的州,。 ????這條新聞的確令人心動不已,,不過它并不能讓人外界明白谷歌公司的意圖。說得更坦率些:谷歌究竟在做什么,?是不是它的天才工程師們在發(fā)明一些稀奇的玩意兒,,好給工作找點樂子?就像日本本田公司的工程師們也“忙里偷閑”地研發(fā)了一款仿人機器人“阿西莫”(Asimo),。擬或谷歌是想把它在數碼方面的優(yōu)勢擴展到汽車領域,,成為汽車業(yè)的一個供應商、合作伙伴,,甚至是原始設備制造商,? ????當問到谷歌對汽車業(yè)務的意圖時,一位谷歌發(fā)言人果不其然地含糊其辭:“就目前看來,,團隊的重點主要放在項目研究方面,,”他說:“我認為在將來的某個時候,,我們也許有機會與汽車業(yè)進行對話或合作,不過現在談這些還為時過早,?!?/p> ????谷歌汽車會成為下一個通用汽車(GM)嗎?很有可能,。笨拙守舊的汽車業(yè)一向對硅谷企業(yè)家們有著特殊的誘惑,。在上一次互聯(lián)網泡沫期間,地球連線(Earthlink)的創(chuàng)始人斯凱?戴頓就進行了這方面的探索,,試圖建立一個虛擬的,、按單定制的汽車生產公司,他為這家公司起名為Flint Inc.,。最近更加成功的案例是貝寶(PayPal)的創(chuàng)始人馬一龍(Elon Musk),,他向特斯拉汽車公司(Tesla Motors)投資了數百萬美元,后者專門生產電動汽車,。 ????而通過研發(fā)無人駕駛汽車,,谷歌正在開拓一個已經讓許多汽車工程師心馳神往幾十年的領域。就連像通用汽車公司前副總裁鮑勃?魯茨這樣鐵桿的駕駛發(fā)燒友都坦承,,無人駕駛汽車是未來的發(fā)展方向,。自動駕駛的汽車可以減輕高速公路擁擠,減少交通事故,,使燃油經濟性得到最大化,,并且為駕駛員空出時間,讓他們騰出手來去做別的事,。 ????人們擔心自動駕駛汽車如果發(fā)生車禍,,責任問題可能難以認定。不過這種擔心可能是被過度渲染了,。另外自適應巡航系統(tǒng)已經成功地應用了好幾年,,當該系統(tǒng)感知到車輛碰撞時,它就會自動進行制動,。 ????幾十年來,,無人駕駛汽車一直是大家熱衷幻想的話題。早在1939年的紐約世博會上,,通用汽車公司就在它的“未來奇觀”(Futurama)展館里展出了一臺無人駕駛電動汽車,,它通過鑲嵌在道路里的電路提供電力,用無線電進行控制,。另外從80年代起,,美國國防先進技術研究計劃署 (DARPA)就開始支持自動駕駛汽車的研究,還贊助了一個無人駕駛車輛的競賽,稱作“無人駕駛機器人挑戰(zhàn)賽”(DARPA Grand Challenge),。小規(guī)模無人駕駛汽車試驗已經進行了有些時日了。例如1997年,,幾輛無人駕駛的別克(Buick)汽車在道路里嵌入的磁鐵的引導下,,在圣地亞哥附近的自動高速公路上行駛了7英里左右。這個項目由加州州政府機構提供了部分贊助,。 ????汽車制造對于谷歌來說,,似乎只是個不必要的消遣。現在圍繞著谷歌的爭論有很多,,比如關于版權法的執(zhí)行,、劣質藥品廣告,以及其搜索內容在中國的審查等,,因此谷歌現在正忙得不可開交,。不過隨著重點業(yè)務Android系統(tǒng)站穩(wěn)腳跟,加上谷歌在網絡搜索領域的地位很大程度上已經得到了開發(fā),,現在谷歌也在尋求新的開拓領域,。美國每年會賣出1500萬輛新車,全球每年會賣出6000萬輛新車,,因此無人駕駛汽車的潛在市場是極為巨大的,。 ????如谷歌自己所解釋的那樣,谷歌最近出品的無人駕駛汽車使用了攝像機,、雷達探測器和激光測距儀來“看”前后左右的交通情況,,并通過詳細的地圖來指引汽車在路上行駛。谷歌的優(yōu)勢在于它的數據中心,,它可以處理汽車在測定路況時產生的海量信息,。 ????谷歌謙虛地表示,它可能已經實現了“機器人研究的第一步”,。不過如果谷歌做出的聲明都是真的,,那么谷歌實際上已經實現了幾十年一遇的飛躍。谷歌的無人駕駛汽車已經從加州北部的山景城(Mountain View)駛到了南加州的好萊塢林蔭大道和太平洋海岸高速公路,,跨過金門大橋,,駛過太平洋海岸高速公路,環(huán)繞了太浩湖(Lake Tahoe),??傊雀璧?輛無人駕駛汽車已經行駛了超過14萬英里——期間應該沒有發(fā)生任何事故,。 ????如果谷歌可以研發(fā)一款商業(yè)上可行的汽車產品,,那么它在汽車業(yè)的前景將會怎樣? ????也許谷歌不會變成一家汽車生產商。因為這需要太多的資本,,而回報太少,。 ????也許谷歌也不會變成一家零部件供應商。谷歌是靠賣概念賺大錢的,,而不是靠賣東西,。 ????谷歌可能也不會與某家全線廠商進行合作。谷歌為什么要把自己吊死在一棵樹上呢,? ????谷歌會不會成為專有軟件的獨家提供商,?對!谷歌的自動駕駛系統(tǒng)將來很有可能成為世界上所有自動駕駛汽車的運行標準,,它的這套系統(tǒng)就好比是汽車里的Windows系統(tǒng),。那么谷歌為什么不這么做呢?谷歌有能力,,有信心,,也有資源。谷歌在銀行里存著360億美元的現金,,而且每天還有越來越多的錢進賬,,很難想象有比這更好的投資了——投資于自動駕駛系統(tǒng),無論對于谷歌自身,,還是對于個人交通的未來,,都是一筆極為劃算的投資。 ????谷歌在這個項目的首席研究人員塞巴斯蒂安?杜倫說道:“拉里?佩奇和謝爾蓋?布林之所以創(chuàng)立了谷歌,,是因為他們想利用科技解決重大的問題,。而我們今天正在鉆研的一個重大問題就是汽車的安全性和效率。我們的目標是要從根本上改變汽車的使用方式,,減少交通事故,,為人們騰出時間,減少碳排放,?!?/p> ????亨利?福特先生(福特汽車公司的創(chuàng)始人,美國汽車之父——譯注),,您老可以為拉里?佩奇和謝爾蓋?布林讓讓位子了,。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????The mystery shrouding Google's development of the driverless car slipped a bit earlier this month. Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), it was reported, is quietly lobbying the state of Nevada for legislation that would make it the first state where cars could be legally operated on public roads without someone's hand on the steering wheel ????While the revelation was tantalizing, it did little to illuminate the company's intentions. Or, to put it more bluntly, what is Google up to? Are its enormously capable engineers off on some job-enrichment lark, like the engineers at Honda (HMC) developing the humanoid robot Asimo? Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer? ????When asked to clarify the company's intentions about the car business, a Google spokesman was, not surprisingly, opaque. "As it stands, the focus of the team is truly on the research aspects of the project," he said. "I anticipate that there may be an opportunity to discuss any future conversations or cooperation with the auto industry down the road sometime, but it would be premature to have those kinds of conversations today." ????Could Google Motors become the next GM (GM, Fortune 500)? It's more likely than you'd think. The lumbering, Luddite world of automobiles has a special attraction for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Back during the last Internet bubble, Sky Dayton, founder of Earthlink, took some exploratory steps toward forming a virtual, build-to-order car manufacturer he called Flint Inc. More recently, and more successfully, Elon Musk invested some of the millions he made from starting PayPal in Tesla Motors, a maker of battery-powered cars. ????By investigating driverless cars, Google is exploring an area that has tantalized automotive engineers for decades. Even a devoted driving enthusiast like former General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz concedes that driverless cars are the way of the future. Autonomous cars would reduce highway congestion, cut down on accidents, maximize fuel economy, and free up time for drivers to perform other tasks. ????Worries about liability in the case of accidents are likely overblown; adaptive cruise control that automatically applies the brakes when it senses a collision has been used successfully for several years. ????Driverless cars have been the subject of popular imagination for decades. A driverless electric car, powered by circuits embedded in the roadway and controlled by radio, was the dominant feature of the General Motors Futurama exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair in New York City. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been supporting research into autonomous vehicles since the 1980s and sponsors a driverless vehicle competition, called the DARPA Grand Challenge. Smaller scale experiments have been going on for some time. A fleet of driverless Buicks, partially sponsored by California state agencies, navigated a seven mile stretch of automated highway near San Diego in 1997, guided by magnets embedded in the roadway. ????Autos would seem to be an unnecessary diversion for Google, which has its hands full with debates over copyright law enforcement, rogue drug ads, and censorship in China. But as its focus on its Android operating system makes clear, having largely exploited its position in online search, it is looking for new worlds to conquer. With 15 million new cars sold in the U.S. every year, and 60 million worldwide, the potential market for driverless cars is huge. ????As Google explains it, its automated cars use video cameras, radar sensors and a laser range finder to "see" other traffic and detailed maps to navigate the road ahead. The Google advantage comes from its data centers, which can process enormous amounts of information gathered by its cars when mapping their terrain. ????Google modestly believes it may have achieved "a first in robotics research," but if the claims it makes are true, it has achieved a once-in-a-generation breakthrough. Its automated cars have driven from Mountain View in northern California to Santa Monica and Hollywood Boulevard in southern California, crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, navigated the Pacific Coast Highway, and circumnavigated Lake Tahoe. In all, its fleet of seven self-driving cars has covered over 140,000 miles -- presumably without incident. ????Assuming it can develop a commercially viable product, what is Google's future in the auto industry? ????Probably not as a vehicle manufacturer. Too much capital is required for too little return. ????Probably not as a parts supplier. Google has made its billions selling ideas, not making things. ????Probably not in partnership with a full-line manufacturer. Why should Google limit itself to one customer? ????As the exclusive supplier of proprietary software? Bingo! Google's automated driver system has the potential to become the operating standard for every car in the world -- the Windows of motor vehicles. Why not? Google has the capability, the ambition, and the resources. With $36 billion in cash in the bank at last count, and more piling up every day, it is hard to imagine a better investment -- both for Google and the future of personal transportation. ????As Google's chief researcher on the project, Sebastian Thrun, put it, "Larry and Sergey founded Google because they wanted to help solve really big problems using technology. And one of the big problems we're working on today is car safety and efficiency. Our goal is to help prevent traffic accidents, free up people's time and reduce carbon emissions by fundamentally changing car use." ????Henry Ford, move over for Larry and Sergey. |