免費+增值服務模式 ????Law360是一家提供法律行業(yè)新聞及其他資源的在線出版商,,出版物包括《私募股權法360》(Private Equity Law 360)等,。這家在線出版商利用“免費+增值”模式,打破由Westlaw法律信息平臺和律商聯訊(LexisNexis)等實力派的壟斷局面,,成功從中分得一杯羹,。該公司主要通過電子郵件營銷策略,為高收入法律事務所的律師個人提供免費閱讀Law360出版物的權限,。 ????Law360聯合創(chuàng)始人馬呂斯?邁蘭德表示,,要想讓潛在客戶訂閱出版物,上述策略是必須的,。他將Law360描述為“法律界的‘彭博社’(Bloomberg)”,。據悉,該公司出版物的全國統(tǒng)一訂閱價劃分為不同的類別,,橫跨從不足1,000美元的個人訂閱價格到超過10萬美元的大型公司訂閱價格,。他還表示,“我們認為,,銷售出版物的最佳方式就是讓用戶親自體驗我們的產品,。因為,我們不能空口無憑地告訴客戶,,我們的出版物有多么出色,,這是行不通的?!?/p> ????都說干律師這行的人不好對付,,但這家以律師為客戶的公司卻實現了可觀的盈利。該公司成立于2003年,,2009年銷售額就達650萬美元;而到2010年,,這一數字迅速攀升至1,000萬美元,。賀格蘭預計本年度總收入將升至1,300萬美元到1,400萬美元之間,。 |
Use valuable freebies to hook customers ????Law360, an online publisher of news and other information for the legal industry, with publications such as "Private Equity Law 360," used the "freemium" model to break into a niche dominated by players like Westlaw and LexisNexis. It offers individual lawyers in high-revenue firms free trials of the publications through email marketing. ????That's essential to getting them to commit to subscriptions, which cost anywhere from under $1,000 annually for a sole practitioner to more than $100,000 for large firms, says co-founder Magnus Hoglund, who describes Law360 as being "like a Bloomberg for lawyers." "We think the best way to sell content is for people to experience it," he says. "You can't just tell people a publication is good." ????Lawyers are biting. The profitable company, launched in 2003, grew from $6.5 million in sales in 2009 to $10 million in 2010. Hoglund projects $13 to $14 million in revenue this year. |