????電話那一端,,是身處溫哥華的卡勒?拉森,。這位白發(fā)蒼蒼的老人是占領華爾街運動的布道者,。我還沒來得及開始我的采訪,,他就用濃厚的東歐口音催促我回答他的問題:“你們《財富》雜志(Fortune)那邊氣氛如何,?你害怕嗎?有沒有一種地動山搖的感覺,?” ????當時是10月末,,這場由拉森及其在《廣告克星》(Adbusters)以“文化干擾者”自詡的全體同仁吹響號角的運動已延續(xù)了6周時間?!澳銈儨蕚浜糜咏夥艔V場(Tahrir Square)時刻的來臨了嗎,?”《廣告克星》7月份在其網站上發(fā)布了這樣一個問題?!?月17日,,涌入曼哈頓下城,采用和平手段搭起帳篷,、廚房和路障,,一舉占領華爾街?!爆F(xiàn)在看起來,,將這場運動與解放廣場抗議活動相提并論,,似乎太過牽強了。甚至連拉森本人(他于1942年出生在被德國占領的愛沙尼亞,,孩提時代的部分時光在一個難民營度過)都覺得美國還遠遠不具備爆發(fā)突尼斯式“硬政權更迭”的條件,。要不然的話,這倒是個好主意,。 ????但現(xiàn)如今,,冬天即將來臨。作為占領運動的兩大中心,,紐約和奧克蘭的市長已經派遣防暴武裝關閉了各自城市的露宿營地,,接下來會發(fā)生什么事情?在那次訪談中,,拉森對我說,,我們所了解的占領運動或許正走向終結?!安糠指挥杏⑿蹥飧诺娜嗣駥⒗^續(xù)逗留在那里,,露宿在雪地里,用非凡的勇氣激發(fā)我們所有人的斗志,。但總的來說,,我認為這場運動現(xiàn)在已發(fā)展到頂峰了,或許正步入第二個階段,。人們將回到家中,,籌備并啟動各式各樣的計劃,”拉森做出了這樣的預測,。 ????警方摧毀祖科蒂公園(Zuccotti Park)的營地數(shù)小時之前,,《廣告克星》發(fā)布了最新一期的“戰(zhàn)術簡報”。拉森在這份簡報中聲稱,,他注意到了一種“不祥的氣氛”,,并建議抗議者們采取以下反應:“我們要宣稱‘勝利’,開慶功會,,要像過節(jié)一樣,,操辦一場慶典,或者舉辦一場狂歡活動,,以盛大的姿態(tài)慶祝,、紀念,歡慶我們所取得的成就,,我們結交的同志,,一起展望未來的榮光。想象一下,,在某個尚未公布具體時間的禮拜六,,或許就在12月17日吧,,那天正好是我們這場運動爆發(fā)三個月的紀念日。在世界上每一個被我們占領的地方,,我們再次走向街頭,,讓那里成為我們歡慶勝利的海洋?!敝挥袝r間能夠證明這一切,。 ????自上世紀60年代以來,我們從未見過這樣的事情,,至少沒有見過這么大規(guī)模的左派運動,。我最近花了幾天時間走訪了紐約、波士頓,、華盛頓特區(qū),、丹佛、洛杉磯和奧克蘭等地的占領地(11月2日那天,,我在奧克蘭,,正好碰上了大罷工活動,游行隊伍一度令這座全美第五大港口城市陷于癱瘓),,我想說的是:無論你對抗議者有何感受(如果你覺得很矛盾,,很困惑,和你一樣的人還有很多),,不可否認的是,,他們給人們留下了極其深刻的印象。搭建在全美各地城市廣場上的帳篷王國,、街道上如潮水般涌動的抗議人群,4千多人被警方逮捕——這些都是我50多年的人生里生平頭一次看到的景象,。 ????我并不奇怪為什么會爆發(fā)這場運動,。但我的確有點好奇,為什么是現(xiàn)在呢,?不斷擴大的貧富差距,,華爾街的腐化墮落,以金融創(chuàng)新之名甚囂塵上的投機行為,,被腐蝕的美國夢,,巨額資金和特殊利益集團對民主體制的持續(xù)腐蝕,若隱若現(xiàn)的環(huán)境災難,,占領運動議程關注的問題中沒有哪一項不是廣大民眾已經關注數(shù)年的問題,。 ????拉森聲稱他已經忘記了他在1998年接受倫敦《生態(tài)學家》雜志(The Ecologist)采訪時所說過的一番話。他當時表示,,全球經濟是一臺“末日機器”,,“這座星球上每一個了解形勢發(fā)展的人都能感覺到這一點,,但又都不愿意承認。這臺機器一直躲在幕后,,一旦它來到前臺,,就會催生出劇烈的社會變革?!蔽医o拉森重讀了一遍這番話,,并問他是否認為這個時刻已經最終到來?!巴耆_,!”他說。 |
????Kalle Lasn, the white-haired evangelist of Occupy Wall Street, was on the phone from Vancouver, pressing me in his thick Eastern European accent. "So how do you feel there at Fortune?" he asked before I could begin my interview. "Are you scared? You feel that some sort of a heave is happening underneath your feet?" ????It was late October, six weeks into a movement that Lasn and his crew of "culture jammers" at Adbusters magazine take credit for launching. "Are you ready for a Tahrir moment?" Adbusters posted on its website in July. "On Sept 17, flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street." Now Tahrir may have been a stretch. Even Lasn, who was born in German-occupied Estonia in 1942 and spent part of his childhood in a refugee camp, doesn't think that America is quite ready for Tunisia-style "hard regime change." Otherwise, good call. ????But what's next, now that winter is on its way and mayors in New York and Oakland, two of the movement's epicenters, have sent riot squads to shut down the camps in their cities? Lasn told me during the same interview that perhaps the occupation as we know it was coming to an end. "Some heroic people will hang in there and sleep in the snow and inspire us all with their guts," he predicted, "but by and large I think this movement is kind of peaking now and probably moving into its second phase, where people will go home and initiate myriad projects of all kinds." ????In the latest "tactical briefing" issued by Adbusters hours before police began dismantling the encampment at Zuccotti Park, Lasn noted the "ominous mood" and suggested a possible response: "We declare 'victory' and throw a party … a festival … a potlatch … a jubilee … a grand gesture to celebrate, commemorate, rejoice in how far we've come, the comrades we've made, the glorious days ahead. Imagine, on a Saturday yet to be announced, perhaps our movement's three month anniversary on December 17, in every #OCCUPY in the world, we reclaim the streets for a weekend of triumphant hilarity and joyous revelry." Time will tell. ????Not since the 1960s have we seen anything like this, at least on the Left. I recently spent a few days visiting Occupy sites in New York, Boston, D.C., Denver, Los Angeles and Oakland (I was in Oakland on November 2 for the general strike and the march that briefly closed the country's fifth busiest port) and I'm telling you: No matter how you feel about the protesters (and you're not alone if you're conflicted or confused), you would be impressed. Tent cities in the public square in cities all over America, crowds of marchers in the streets, over 4000 arrests nationwide—in my lifetime, and I'm past 50, that's new. ????I don't wonder why this is happening. I do wonder, a little, why now? There's nothing on the crowded Occupy agenda—the growing gulf between rich and poor, corruption on Wall Street, runaway speculation disguised as financial innovation, the erosion of the American dream, the steady undermining of democracy by big money and special interests, and looming environmental disaster—that hasn't been a concern of many for many years. ????Lasn claims he had forgotten but back in 1998 he told The Ecologist in London that the global economy was a "doomsday machine" and that "everyone on the planet who knows what's going on can feel it, but we're denying it. It's waiting there in the background and as soon as it comes to the forefront, then that will be the catalytic moment when dramatic change will be possible." I read Lasn's words back to him and asked him if he thought that moment had finally arrived. "Exactly!" he said. |