5. 福特 ??? 福特去年從第六位爬升到第五位,,不過要想更進(jìn)一步,,還得費(fèi)一番力氣才行。福特2011年損失了一些市場份額,,而且今年1月的表現(xiàn)更加不盡人意,,這主要是由于全新福克斯(Focus)的價格較高,,讓一些買家望而卻步,。另外福特的管理層也經(jīng)過了更新?lián)Q代,,雖然接班過程比過去和諧了些,但仍是個令人不安的因素,。福特2012年的業(yè)績將主要取決于新款福特Fusion和Escape跨界SUV的成敗,,不過值得一提的是,新款Fusion在今年的底特律車展上的亮相已經(jīng)受到了廣泛好評,。 ???? |
5. Ford ????Ford climbed from sixth to fifth last year but will struggle to go higher. It lost a bit of market share in 2011 and a bit more in January, as the all-new Focus scared away buyers with its higher price points. A generational shift in Ford management, while more peaceful than in the past, may also prove unsettling. Much in 2012 will ride on the showroom success of the new Fusion, which made an acclaimed debut at the Detroit auto show, as well as the Escape crossover SUV. ???? |