茵寶公司的“Zyklon” ????納粹毒氣室被永久關閉幾十年后,,1999年,英國體育用品制造商茵寶公司將一款訓練用鞋命名為“Zyklon”,,再次勾起了人們的悲慘回憶,。當然,茵寶公司之所以選擇“Zyklon”,是取它的德語涵義——“旋風”,,而不是被納粹德國用作致命毒藥的殺蟲劑齊克隆B(Zyklon B),。 ????在寫給茵寶公司的信中,西蒙?維森塔爾中心(the Simon Wiesenthal Center)的希蒙?塞繆爾斯稱:“如此厚顏無恥地利用大屠殺是對遇難者和幸存者的侮辱,?!敝螅饘毠菊倩亓诉@款運動鞋,。 ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
Umbro's "Zyklon" ????Decades after the Nazi gas chambers were shut down for good, English sportswear manufacturer Umbro reignited bad memories when it named a training sneaker "Zyklon" in 1999. Umbro chose the name for its German meaning -- "cyclone"-- not Zyklon B, the insecticide used by the Nazis as a lethal poison. ????In a letter to Umbro, Dr. Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said its "outrageous misuse of the Holocaust is an insult to its victims and survivors." Umbro later recalled the sneaker. |