11.法國(guó)巴黎 ????代表公司:Stupeflix,、Kwaga、Appsfire,、Hypios ????創(chuàng)業(yè)者平均年齡:33.2歲 ????每日平均工作時(shí)間: 9.9小時(shí) ????硅谷是在外國(guó)創(chuàng)業(yè)者和投資者的幫助建成的,而巴黎則與硅谷不同,,它在吸引全球最優(yōu)秀的商業(yè)人才方面存在困難。初創(chuàng)企業(yè)往往會(huì)在發(fā)展后期遇到融資問(wèn)題,,巴黎創(chuàng)業(yè)者中女性?xún)H占7%。 |
11. Paris, France ????Who launched here?: Stupeflix, Kwaga, Appsfire, Hypios ????Average entrepreneur age: 33.2 ????Average work hours per day: 9.9 ????Unlike the Valley, which was built with the help of foreign entrepreneurs and investors, Paris has had trouble attracting the world's most talented business minds. Startups often run into funding issues in the late stages of their development and only 7% of entrepreneurs in Paris are female. |