


Shelley DuBois 2013-01-08



??? 剛剛過去的這次大選非常辛苦,。你現(xiàn)在還喜歡你做的事情嗎?














????Effective campaigns take the candidate at his or her natural best and put it on display, they don't mold a candidate into the ideal image of what the consultant thinks the people want to hear.

????Voters, at the end of the day, are trying to do the right thing. Authenticity matters a lot.

????This last election was exhausting. Do you still like what you do?

????I enjoy the idea of a puzzle. And the puzzle is, "how do you take someone from where they are and get hem to the end?" It's also interesting because it's a collaborative process.

????How is leading a super PAC different from organizing a campaign?

????Decision-making tends to be easier. Campaigns are the expression of their candidates. So you'll have friends and advisors and spouses and a candidate who's on a campaign trail and needs time to absorb the information you're proposing.

????It's just a lot less complicated and, as a result, a little bit more seductive in a super PAC world.

????What about you? There is a kind of mythology around your power.

????There is. I'm a myth, not a human being.

????Why is that?

????I have no idea. I think it's just easier. Political scientists use the term heuristics. Heuristics are shortcuts to understanding something broader about somebody or something.

????Does that ever work to your advantage?

????You know what? It is what it is. There's little or nothing I can do to change it.

????I have to ask about the Fox broadcast of the election results. That was reported as a blow to your career, do you see it that way?

????The Fox people thought it was good TV. They wanted an opportunity to explain how they arrive at a decision. They're sitting there saying, "We've now called Ohio and there's 991 votes separating the two candidates." So they wisely said, "We have confidence in our decision desk, but let's get Karl to voice this concern. It's a legitimate concern -- let's voice it and let's use this as a teachable moment."
