


Clay Dillow 2013-06-24




Technocracy, the new aristocracy

????But from a socioeconomic standpoint, not everything is going to be fair in this bio-technologically augmented future. Technology will be avalanching all around us, Martin says, and those who have the best technology will be society's elites. That may not seem so different than today's gadget culture, where having the latest iteration of iProduct can be an indication of social and/or economic status. But the iPhone is an object. The body and brain, on the other hand, are more than accessories or adornments. The ability to enhance cognitive function will put some people at an advantage that goes far beyond better screen resolution on one's smartphone.

????The technocracy will be the new aristocracy, Martin said. Those with access to the best technology, rather than those with the most material stuff (the two very well might go hand-in-hand, but not necessarily), will be the new one percent.
