


JP Mangalindan 2014-01-02







Matt MacInnis

CEO, Inkling

The company's 411: Interactive digital textbooks for the iPad, iPhone, and web.

Best: I feel like the last year has seen the birth of the "boring" company ... Despite the fact we're in a bubble, people are actually biting off really meaningful, boring problems. We've gone away from this consumer-y zeitgeist bullshit. Snapchat is fine. Consumer businesses can be built, including ones that aren't worth anything but are billions of dollars in valuation. But I look at companies like Zenefits* that are trying to improve the benefits of how companies administer health benefits, and I look at companies like Clever* that are solving this really boring problem in K-12 schools. They're in 15,000 U.S. schools, where they've actually got students now capable of returning data back to a teacher. These are not "sexy" problems, but they're so important.

Worst: We have seen the culture war, particularly in San Francisco, shift into high gear where it's an "us vs. them" mentality. It's totally unfair, drawing attention to the wrong issues and not helping solve the real ones. It's class warfare and frankly, disappointing. I think both sides are culpable. But people who are throwing rocks at Google buses and that sort of thing are enflaming the situation. I have long lamented the disconnect between young tech yuppies in San Francisco and the rest of the community. I talk about it at work. I talk to my team about it. I encourage people to vote in local elections.

*MacInnis is an investor.
