


Cyrus Sanati 2014-01-07


????與往常一樣,,今年的消費電子展(Consumer Electronics Show)依然是一場科技盛宴,充滿了各種光怪陸離的產(chǎn)品,。而與此同時,今年在拉斯維加斯舉辦的大會,,也為投資者和華爾街提供了一個選擇機會,,給這個年收入達萬億美元的行業(yè)把把脈。




????當然,,這并不意味著今年的展品都平淡無奇。施文公司(Schwinn)推出CycleNav“智能自行車”導航儀,,對于這家歷史悠久的美國公司來說,,此舉可謂一次華麗的轉身。太陽能設備制造商WakaWaka的太陽能充電展品也非常新奇,。音頻設備制造商Clear View Audio的“隱形”揚聲器給我留下了深刻印象,。然而,總體而言,,今年參展的商品都不足以改變整個行業(yè)的發(fā)展方向,。

????今年大家熱議的重點是“可穿戴設備”市場,其中包括聯(lián)網(wǎng)的手表,、數(shù)字健康監(jiān)控設備和類似的“智能設備”,。(看,《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)的喬安娜?斯特恩還提出了藍牙牙刷的創(chuàng)意?。┤欢?,這個新興市場仍處于混亂狀態(tài),也沒有明確的定義——比如,,到底什么才是智能手表,?人們能用它來做什么?——而今年各大廠商將如何尋求突破,?所有這一切我們都無從得知,。多年以來,索尼(Sony)和其他電子設備制造商一直在提供這類設備,,卻始終未能抓住消費者的心,。





????This year's Consumer Electronics Show, as it is every year, is typically a celebration of technology and all things nerdy. But the Las Vegas mega-conference also presents a choice opportunity for investors and Wall Street to take the pulse of a $1 trillion-a-year business.

????In 2014, the industry's baseline heart rate matters more than ever. Technology revenue is expected to decline in the coming months -- down 1% year over year to $1.055 trillion, according to economist Shawn DuBravac, who works for the association that puts on the show -- a burden that could weigh heavily on growth prospects. (DuBravac noted that the fall-off in revenue came thanks to a decrease in the average selling price of tablets and smartphones, and not due to some global pull-back in overall technology spending. The caveat: Tablets and smartphones now represent 43% of global technology sales.)

????It's safe to say that this year, innovative ideas for new lines of business are in especially high demand.

????The trade show officially opens on Tuesday, but on Sunday members of the press were given a sneak preview of things to come. The gadgets glimmered as usual, but there lacked a clear way forward for the industry. The hot gadget at this year's show? So far it's unclear, a departure from years past.

????That's not to say that the gadgets I saw weren't cool. Schwinn's bike CycleNav "Smart Bike" Navigator was a departure for the longstanding American company. WakaWaka's solar-powered gadgets were novel. And Clear View Audio's "invisible" audio speaker certainly left an impression. On the whole, though, nothing on display promised to change the course of the industry.

????The buzz this year is centered on the "wearables" market, which encompasses connected watches, digital health monitoring devices, and similar "smart" items. (Look, there's the Wall Street Journal's Joanna Stern with a Bluetooth toothbrush!) But this budding market is rather disjointed and fairly undefined -- what is a smartwatch, exactly, and what is one supposed to do with it? -- and it's unclear how this year will be any different. For years, Sony (SNE) and other electronics manufacturers have offered such devices, but none of them took hold with consumers.

????I did spot several interesting (and surprisingly fashionable) wearables, but none were particularly innovative. All of them connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth and spout out data about some aspect of your health. That's desirable if you are a hypochondriac, but it's more challenging to make the case for the broader market.

????At CES Monday, many of technology's largest companies will hold their own press conferences, in a back-to-back format known as "Press Day." For example, LG and Samsung are set to reveal a bunch of "ultra high definition," or 4K, televisions. (Soooo 2013.) Sony, Sharp, and Panasonic will no doubt return the volley, and perhaps reveal how they plan to recapture lost glory days. (Ahem.)

????In the meantime, I will keep searching for this year's golden fleece. From what I have seen and heard so far, though, I may have to wait till 2015.
