Alex Taylor III

????不再環(huán)保 ????消費者對替代能源汽車的興趣一直就隨著油價的漲跌而起伏不定,,所以本屆車展上大多數廠商都不再那么起勁地展示這方面的成果了,。到雪佛蘭展臺看看沃藍達(Volt)或日產(Nissan)展臺看看聆風(Leaf)就明白了。但是大家穿過人群時,,卻能毫不費力地看到克爾維特Z06(見上圖),、福特5.0升V-8野馬和蝰蛇(SRT Viper)這樣的車。 |
????Green no more ????Consumer interest in alternative fuel vehicles rises and falls with gasoline prices, and most manufacturers are downplaying their efforts at this year's show. Just try to find a Volt at the Chevy stand or a battery-powered Leaf at Nissan. But you'll have no difficulty getting a glimpse of the Corvette Z06 (above), Ford Mustang 5.0 liter V-8, or SRT Viper, as long as you fight your way through the crowds. |