Dan Mitchell

奎茲諾斯連鎖快餐店吉祥物 ????與漢堡王的“國王”一樣,,Spogmonkeys的目的也是為了產(chǎn)生令人不安和古怪的效果,。這些形象曾經(jīng)作為奎茲諾斯(Quiznos)三明治連鎖店的代言人,但它們最初確實出自普通人喬爾?維奇之手,,并且早已在網(wǎng)上走紅,。廣告雖然吸引了眼球,但并沒有持續(xù)太長的時間,,或許是因為有人意識到,,用漂浮的、發(fā)生了基因突變的嚙齒動物為食物做廣告并不是什么好主意,。 |
????Quiznos Spogmonkeys ????Like Burger King's "The King," the Spogmonkeys are meant to be disturbing and weird. The characters served for a time as the spokescreatures for the Quiznos sandwich chain, but were originally developed by a private citizen, Joel Veitch, and were already popular online. The campaign, while attention-getting, didn't last long, perhaps because somebody realized that advertising food by using floating, genetically mutated rodents wasn't a good idea. |