????Data.gov的氣候數據 ????對于一位數據科學家來說,,Data.gov就像是一座裝滿氣候數據的圖書館。你可以在這里查到何時何地發(fā)生過地震,;1960年代至今的化肥價格;五大湖隨著氣溫的變化,,由藍轉綠的一系列照片,。該網站儲存了來自多家研究機構的400多種政府數據,供研究人員免費使用,。這些數據是非常有價值的,。2006年,一家小公司想為農民構建一個工具,,以研究氣候變化對農作物的影響,。白宮國家氣候評估主任法比埃尼?勞里埃表示:“他們大概花了五六年的時間收集聯(lián)邦數據。由于他們的工作非常有價值,,最后孟山都公司收購了這家公司,。” |
????Data.gov’s Climate ????For a data scientist, data.gov is like walking the floors of a library packed with the climate data. Think a live feed of when and where earthquakes happen, fertilizer prices from the 1960s, and time-lapse maps of the Great Lakes shaded blue and green to show their changing temperatures throughout the year. This site is a repository of 400 government data sets from various agencies that researchers can use for free. The information can be quite valuable. In 2006, a small company wanted to build a tool for farmers to see the impact of climate change on crops. “They spent five or six years collecting federal datasets,” said Fabiene Laurier, director of national climate assessment at the White House. “The work was so valuable Monsanto bought them.” |