《洛奇》 (1977年奧斯卡最佳電影獎) “生活給人的打擊重過任何拳頭。最重要的不是你的拳頭能打多重,,而是你能挨多重,,同時還能繼續(xù)往前走。關鍵在于你能承受打擊,,并且繼續(xù)前行。勝利就是這樣來的,?!?/em> 在讀這段臺詞的時候,你是不是正在自動腦補出史泰龍的聲音,?沒關系,,我也是。洛奇在這段臺詞中說出了深刻的人生道理,。生活已經如此艱難,,但總有些時候,生活還會重重地將你擊倒在地上,。你必須重新站起來,!必須! 創(chuàng)業(yè)者的人生可能是孤單的,,并非所有人都能理解你的動機,、愿景或熱情,。有時當生活將你擊倒時,你眼前甚至沒有人能幫助你站起來,。在我自己的人生中,,我在創(chuàng)業(yè)中被“擊倒”得最慘的一次,就是養(yǎng)野雞那次,。 這些傻鳥很好吃,,但它們一定是地球上最傻的鳥了。我喜歡野雞,,也喜歡打野雞,,所以一開始我以為,養(yǎng)野雞還能出什么岔子呢,?畢竟我對這樁生意很有熱情,,而且我也很擅長做生意。但我完全不知道,,草原上的一場風暴會把這筆新生意吹得雞飛蛋打,。這些雞崽子們擠成一團,最終在風暴里死得干干凈凈,,我失去了一切,。 不用說,我在這部電影中學到的最大的經驗就是,,如果生活擊倒了你,,你應該站起來,更狠地回擊過去,。當然,,你別指望你在爬起來的時候會有什么“高亢”的背景音樂。? |
‘Rocky’ (Best Picture, 1977) “Nobody is going to hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” You just read that quote in Sly Stallone’s voice, didn’t you? That’s okay. I did too. Rocky is speaking some truths here. Life is hard enough as it is, but there will come a time where life will knock you flat on your rear end. You must get back up! You must! Life as an entrepreneur can be lonely. Not everyone will understand your drive, your vision or your passion. There will even be times where there won’t be anyone in sight to help you up after life has knocked you down. In my own life, one of my biggest business “knock-downs” involved pheasants. Those stupid birds taste delicious but have got to be some of the stupidest birds on the planet. I love pheasant, love hunting them, so at first I thought, What could go wrong? After all, I am passionate about this venture, and I’m pretty good at business. Little did I know that a prairie storm would wipe away my newest venture. In fact, the pheasants huddled together and drowned in the storm. And I lost everything. Needless to say, the true takeaway here is that, when life knocks you down, you should get up and hit it back harder. Just don’t expect soaring music when you run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. |
《百萬寶貝》 (2004年奧斯卡最佳電影獎) “神奇之處在于,,為了別人無法理解的夢想而賭上一切,。” 我想再次強調,,創(chuàng)業(yè)者可能是孤單的,。你有你的夢想和愿景,但有些人可能看不到你的夢想,,或是嫉妒你的成功,。因此,他們會在你的腦子里埋下懷疑的種子,。不要讓他們得逞,。另外,恨你的人終究會恨你,,所以隨他們去吧,!人們會告訴你有些事應該怎樣做的,。 對于有些人,不妨告訴他們閉嘴,!專心書寫自己的故事,。如果其他人也想寫下一段故事,就讓他們寫自己的,。 你的生意需要反映你自己的愿景,,而不是別人的愿景。所以,,如果你想做“最好的自己”,,就不要聽別人的。這是你的夢想,,你的愿景,。? |
‘Million Dollar Baby’ (Best Picture, 2004) “It’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you.” Once again, the life of an entrepreneur can be lonely. You have your dream and vision, but there are people who are incapable of visualizing your dream or are so jealous of your success that they will plant seeds of doubt in your head. Don’t let them. Haters are gonna hate, so let them! People will tell you how you should do things. Tell ’em to shut up! Write your own story. If others want to write a story, let them write their own. Your business will need to reflect your vision, not anyone else’s. So, stop listening to other voices if you want to be the best “you” possible. It’s your dream, your vision. |
《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》 (1962年奧斯卡最佳電影獎) “大事都是從小事開始的,先生,?!?/em> 不要以為成大事者不拘小節(jié)。給自己封了CEO的頭銜后,,并不代表你就不用清理自己的洗手間或是不用自己倒垃圾了,。如果某件事連你自己都不想做,你如何能說服你的團隊去做呢,? 作為一家公司的CEO,,無論公司大小,都很容易得膨脹病,,讓頭銜限制住了你的思維,。一名CEO親自清理自己的衛(wèi)生間?很多人聽都沒聽說過,。但我認為這是件好事,。為什么呢?因為它能讓企業(yè)家接接地氣,。 對我來說,卑微的工作能提醒我有一個卑微的開始,,我需要做任何事以確保公司取得成功,。它能使我發(fā)自肺腑地與公司的方方面面保持聯(lián)系。頭銜可能使你成為一座孤島,,失去了很多聯(lián)系,,所以,你必須要在“猛向前”和“接地氣”之間找到一種平衡,。雖然我鼓勵每個人“志當存高遠”,,但我也要提醒大家,,不要太好高騖遠,它可能是很多人的人生岔路,。 那么想想吧,,哪部電影曾經激勵你前行?哪部電影又讓你鼓起勇氣追逐夢想,,成為一名創(chuàng)業(yè)者,? 有一件事是肯定的:如果你都沒行動起來,那么就什么都不會發(fā)生,。就像尤達大師所說的那樣:“要么做,,要么不做,沒有試試這一說,?!保ㄘ敻恢形木W) 譯者:樸成奎 審校:任文科? |
‘Lawrence of Arabia’ (Best Picture, 1962) “Big things have small beginnings, sir.” Don’t ever think you’re too big for your britches. When you give yourself the title of “CEO,” that doesn’t mean you’re not going to end up cleaning your own bathroom or taking out the trash. If you’re not willing to do something, how can you ask your team to do that same thing? As CEO of a company, big or small, it can be really easy to lose perspective and let our titles define us. A CEO cleaning his/her own bathroom? Unheard of in some cases. However, I see it as a positive. Why? It keeps entrepreneurs grounded. For me, humble work reminds me that I come from humble beginnings and that I need to be able to do everything I can for my company to succeed. It also allows me to stay connected, in some visceral way, to all aspects of my business. Disconnection can be a lonely island of entitlement, and you must find that balance between pushing forward and staying grounded. While I encourage everyone to “think big,” I also warn, “Don’t become too big.” That can be a major turn-off for many. What movie inspires you to forge ahead? Which one dared you to put into motion your dream of becoming an entrepreneur? One thing is for sure: Nothing will happen if you don’t at least attempt to get things started. As Master Yoda said, “Do or do not. There is no try.” |