中國有14億人口,但目前僅有約100萬人打高爾夫球,,運動器材公司預計這一數(shù)字可能激增,。研究機構(gòu)弗若斯特沙利文咨詢公司預計,隨著中國的高爾夫愛好者倍增,,未來三年中國人在高爾夫球服和裝備上的消費每年會增長40%以上,,增至6.5億美元。以下這些公司可能賺得盆滿缽滿: 耐克(Nike) 耐克已經(jīng)是中國運動服市場的領先企業(yè),,中國也是該司業(yè)績增長最快的市場,。去年耐克售出高爾夫商品總價值7.06億美元。盡管耐克正逐漸剝離裝備業(yè)務,,但仍會因中國對高爾夫球服和球鞋需求大增而獲益,。 本間(Homma) 本間是全球高端高爾夫俱樂部必不可少的日本品牌。去年該司在華銷售額占其2.15億美元銷售總額的19%,。今年10月,,本間已經(jīng)在香港上市。 高仕利(Acushnet) 高仕利總部位于美國馬薩諸塞州費爾黑文市,,產(chǎn)品是在中國最受歡迎的頂級高爾夫球Titleist Pro V1,。雖然是韓國企業(yè)斐樂韓國公司的子公司,但高仕利最近遞交了在美國公開上市的申請,,最快可能本周募股,。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:Charlie 審校:詹妮 |
China, a nation of 1.4 billion people, has only about 1 million golfers, and sporting-goods companies think that figure could rise exponentially. As golfers multiply, annual spending on apparel and equipment in China should jump more than 40% over the next three years, to $650 million, says researcher Frost & Sullivan. These companies could cash in: Nike Already a sports-apparel leader in China, its biggest growth market. The company sold $706 million worth of golf goods last year; it’s getting out of the equipment business, but its golf apparel and shoes would benefit from a Chinese surge. Honma A Japanese brand that forges the world’s most expensive clubs, Honma got 19% of its $215 million in sales last year from China. It listed its stock in Hong Kong in October. Acushnet Based in Fair-haven, Mass., it makes the most popular premium ball in China, the Titleist Pro V1. It’s a subsidiary of sportswear firm Fila Korea, but it recently filed for a U.S. IPO and may offer shares as soon as this week. |