2017年又有一批我們熟悉的商界,、金融界和公共名人去世了,其中包括了《花花公子》雜志的創(chuàng)始人休·海夫納,,??怂剐侣?lì)l道的首席執(zhí)行官羅杰·艾爾斯,億萬富翁,、慈善家大衛(wèi)·洛克菲勒等等,。 2017年去世的商界名人有:收購了普渡制藥公司的雷蒙德·薩克勒——圍繞普渡制藥公司生產(chǎn)的止痛藥奧施康定,一直存在著一定的爭(zhēng)議,;此外還有東芝前總裁,、東京證交所前董事長西室泰三,好市多聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人杰弗里·布羅特曼,,洛斯公司女掌門人瓊·蒂施等人,。 2017年去世的金融界領(lǐng)袖包括:曾為風(fēng)投界的先驅(qū)Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers公司和私募公司KKR & Co提供創(chuàng)業(yè)融資的亨利·希爾曼,歐萊雅的女掌門人,、全球最富有女性利利亞娜·貝登古,,曾作為巴菲特的代言人,親自坐陣紐交所撮合伯爾希爾哈撒韋股票買賣的詹姆斯·馬奎爾等等,。 2017年故去的公共領(lǐng)域名人有:因美國出兵而被迫下臺(tái),、并因販毒而入獄的前巴拿馬獨(dú)裁者曼努埃爾·諾列加,,曾經(jīng)見證東西德統(tǒng)一的前德國總理赫爾穆特·科爾,,美國前總統(tǒng)卡德的國家安全顧問布熱津斯基等,。 以下就是2017年去世政商名人名單,后附簡(jiǎn)要生平事跡,,部分名人亦附死因,。 一月 比利時(shí)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家盧克·柯恩,享年69歲,,曾在歐洲央行監(jiān)管部門任職,,期間曾為歐洲央行行長德拉吉制定的刺激政策進(jìn)行辯護(hù)??露鬟€曾擔(dān)任過比利時(shí)央行行長,。他于1月5日去世。 葡萄牙前總理馬里奧?蘇亞雷斯,,享年92歲,。他推動(dòng)了葡萄牙向民主政體的平穩(wěn)過渡。在“康乃馨革命”終結(jié)為期五年的獨(dú)裁統(tǒng)治后,,蘇亞雷斯于1976年當(dāng)選為葡萄牙首位民選總理,。他于1月7日去世。 伊朗前總統(tǒng)拉夫桑賈尼,,享年82歲,。他是伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的締造者之一,曾任兩屆伊朗總統(tǒng),,也是現(xiàn)任總統(tǒng)哈?!敼岬闹匾擞选?月8日,,他因心臟衰竭在德黑蘭的一家醫(yī)院中去世,。 瓦爾特·朗格,享年92歲,。他于1948年逃出德國,,40年后他回歸祖國,復(fù)蘇了高端手表品牌朗格(A. Lange & Soehne),,該品牌現(xiàn)為瑞士奢侈品制造商歷峰集團(tuán)所有,。他于1月17日去世。 美國女演員瑪麗·泰勒·摩爾,,享年80歲,。她在《范戴克搖滾音樂劇》和《瑪麗泰勒摩爾秀》中出演的角色,改變了女性和婚姻在美國流行文化中的形象,。她于1月25日去世,。 二月 肯·莫里森,,享年85歲。他將父親的一家食雜店經(jīng)營成了英國第四大連鎖超市——威廉莫里森超市集團(tuán)(Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc),,該公司目前已經(jīng)營了500多家門店,。他于2月1日在英格蘭東北部的約克郡家中去世。 洛倫佐·塞維赫,,享年98歲,。他參與創(chuàng)辦了墨西哥賓堡集團(tuán),并將公司發(fā)展為世界上最大的面包生產(chǎn)商,。他于2月3日去世于墨西哥城,。 馬里薩·萊蒂西亞·席爾瓦,66歲,。她是巴西前總統(tǒng)盧拉·席爾瓦的夫人,,在巴西反腐風(fēng)暴中,她被指控與國有企業(yè)巴西石油公司的賄賂案有關(guān),。2月3日,,她因中風(fēng)死于圣保羅某醫(yī)院。 威廉·庫珀,,享年73歲,。他曾領(lǐng)導(dǎo)TCF金融公司達(dá)30年,使這家總部位于明尼蘇達(dá)州威塔扎市的銀行在美國中西部發(fā)展到擁有300多家分支機(jī)構(gòu),。2月7日因癌癥去世于明尼阿波利斯某醫(yī)院,。 億萬富翁麥克·伊利奇,享年87歲,。他是美國第三大披薩連鎖店“小凱撒”的創(chuàng)始人,。他曾自己掏包買下了當(dāng)?shù)氐那蜿?duì),并斥巨資支持底特律的經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇,。他于2月10日去世于底特律的一家醫(yī)院里,。 共和黨議員羅伯特·米歇爾,享年93歲,,1981年至1995年任美國眾議院領(lǐng)袖,,他以喜歡協(xié)商、彬彬有禮而獲得好評(píng),。而他的繼任認(rèn)紐特·金里奇相比之下則更加好斗,。2月17日因肺部感染去世于弗吉尼亞州阿靈頓市某醫(yī)院。 維塔利·丘爾金,,享年64歲,,2006年起任俄羅斯駐美大使。在俄羅斯出兵格魯吉亞,、吞并克里米亞,、支持烏克蘭分裂勢(shì)力等問題上,,丘爾金不遺余力地為俄羅斯的外交政策辯護(hù)。他于2月20日去世于紐約,。 美國學(xué)者肯尼斯?阿羅,,享年95歲,他曾因在一般均衡理論方面的貢獻(xiàn)而獲得1972年的諾貝爾獎(jiǎng),,他也是現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)的奠基人之一,。他于2月21日死于加州帕洛阿爾托市家中,。 歐文·塞勒,,享年82歲,英國房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商,,西歐地區(qū)的最高建筑——倫敦夏德大廈就是他的塞勒地產(chǎn)集團(tuán)開發(fā)的,。他于2月26日因病去世。 馬克·恰爾內(nèi)斯基,,享年61歲,。他從分公司助理經(jīng)理干起,一直干至M&T銀行的董事長和首席執(zhí)行官,,在這家公司整整奉獻(xiàn)了40年時(shí)光,。M&T 銀行的大股東中還有巴菲特的伯克希爾哈撒韋公司,占股約3.5%,。他于2月26日因胰腺癌去世于紐約布法羅某醫(yī)院,。 三月 喬·羅杰斯,享年97歲,。1955年,,他參與創(chuàng)辦了具有美國南部早餐風(fēng)味的路邊快餐連鎖店松餅屋(Waffle House),該品牌24小時(shí)營業(yè),,擁有1800多家門店,。他去世于3月3日。 斯蒂芬·羅斯,,享年93歲,,麻省理工大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家,于1976年提出了套利定價(jià)理論,,他的其他理論模型也對(duì)現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)和投資管理學(xué)產(chǎn)生了重要影響,。3月3日因心臟驟停于康涅狄格州的萊姆鎮(zhèn)的家中去世。 葛森·可可斯特,,享年82歲,。他在紐約創(chuàng)辦的Kekst & Co公司是一家知名的公關(guān)公司,擅長收并購業(yè)務(wù),,像前花旗集團(tuán)CEO斯坦?!の籂?、億萬富翁投資人亨利·克維拉斯等都曾是他的客戶。他于3月17日去世于紐約某醫(yī)院,。 大衛(wèi)·洛克菲勒,,美國銀行家、慈善家,、總統(tǒng)顧問,、史上最富有家族的繼承人、全球最老的億萬富翁,,享年101歲,。3月21日,他因心力衰竭在紐約波坎蒂科山的家中去世,。 馬丁·麥吉尼斯,,享年66歲,曾任愛爾蘭共和軍和新芬運(yùn)動(dòng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,,是推動(dòng)北愛和平進(jìn)程的重要人物,。去世于3月21日。 查爾斯·墨菲,,享年56歲,,紐約對(duì)沖基金Paulson & Co公司合伙人,曾推動(dòng)公司積極認(rèn)購美國國際集團(tuán)(AIG)股份,。3月27日,,他在紐約某酒店跳樓自殺。,。 艾哈邁德·卡特拉達(dá),,享年87歲,反種族隔離制度活動(dòng)家,,他曾與曼德拉一起因圖謀推翻南非白人政府而入獄20多年,,3月28日,他在接受腦部手術(shù)后不久,,于約翰內(nèi)斯堡的一家醫(yī)院中去世,。 四月 享利·希爾曼,億萬富翁,,享年98歲,。他利用家族在匹茲堡做煤炭生意攢下的家產(chǎn),為私募公司KKR & Co和硅谷風(fēng)投公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers提供了創(chuàng)業(yè)融資,。他于3月14日去世于匹茲堡某醫(yī)院,。 格雷夫·克里斯托,享年82歲,。他曾為企業(yè)董事會(huì)提供咨詢服務(wù)四十年,,教企業(yè)如何為高管的高薪酬辯解,。但后來他卻成了對(duì)企業(yè)高管過度薪酬問題批評(píng)最尖銳的人。4月18日,,他因心臟病去世于拉斯維加斯家中,。 哈維·克魯格,享年88歲,,曾任雷曼兄弟銀行高管,。他曾在華爾街和以色列間建立投資管道,為包括全球最大的基因制藥公司——梯瓦制藥工業(yè)公司在內(nèi)的一些以色列企業(yè)拉來了融資,。4月23日,,他于曼哈頓家中去世。 拉杰·庫瑪爾·巴格里,,享年86歲,。曾任加爾各答某貿(mào)易公司文員,后來成為倫敦金屬交易所董事長,。于4月26日去世。 托馬斯·富克納,,享年98歲,。松餅屋(Waffle House)的共同創(chuàng)始人。4月26日去世于佐治亞州某養(yǎng)老院,。松餅屋的另一名創(chuàng)始人喬·羅杰斯也先他一個(gè)月去世,。 五月 艾倫·梅爾策,享年89歲,,美國經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家,,他對(duì)美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)近年來的政策走向具有舉足輕重的影響。比如他在房地產(chǎn)火爆的時(shí)候堅(jiān)持保持低利率政策,,間接導(dǎo)致了2008年的經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī),。他于5月8日去世。 約翰·唐納修,,享年92歲,,聯(lián)邦投資者公司(Federated Investors Inc)創(chuàng)始人。該公司是匹茲堡的一家投資管理公司,,最出名的是該公司的貨幣市場(chǎng)基金,。他于5月11日病逝于佛羅里達(dá)州的那不勒斯。 毛諾·科伊維斯托,,芬蘭前總統(tǒng),,享年93歲。他帶領(lǐng)芬蘭安穩(wěn)渡過了蘇東劇變,,并推動(dòng)芬蘭加入歐盟,。5月12日病逝于赫爾辛基,。 布拉德·格雷,享年59歲,,美國知名獵頭,。在2017年二月被解職前,曾領(lǐng)導(dǎo)派拉蒙影業(yè)12年,,出品過《黑道家族》等著名美劇,。5月14日因癌癥病逝。 羅杰·艾爾斯,,享年77歲,,曾任美國總統(tǒng)顧問。1996年為了替共和黨造勢(shì)而與傳媒大亨與默多克共同創(chuàng)辦??怂剐侣?lì)l道,,現(xiàn)在福克斯新聞已經(jīng)成為美國觀眾最多的有線電視網(wǎng)絡(luò),。后因性騷擾指控辭職,。5月18日因在佛羅里達(dá)州棕櫚灘的家中摔傷而病逝。 唐德納·斯通,,享年93歲,,曾管理紐交所超過20年,并升任紐交所副主席,。5月20在紐約家中去世,。 杰瑞·帕倫奇奧,享年86歲,,前獵頭,、體育經(jīng)紀(jì)人。他創(chuàng)辦的西班牙語環(huán)球電視臺(tái)是美國最大的西語廣播公司,,他也被認(rèn)為是最優(yōu)秀的好萊塢經(jīng)紀(jì)人,。5月22日因癌癥在洛杉磯家中病逝。 茲比格紐·布熱津斯基,,享年89歲,,曾任美國前總統(tǒng)杰米·卡特的國家安全顧問。他堅(jiān)持美國對(duì)前蘇聯(lián)采取強(qiáng)硬路線,,參與指揮了1980年在伊朗的一次失敗的營救美國人質(zhì)事件,。他于5月26日去世。 吉姆·邦寧,,享年85歲,。棒球名人堂球員,1964年打出了全美棒球聯(lián)盟史上80多年來的第一次完全比賽,后來曾代表肯塔基州做過兩任美國參議員,。5月26日因中風(fēng)去世,。 康斯坦丁·米佐塔基斯,享年98歲,,前希臘總理,。他在90年代初期加強(qiáng)了與歐盟的關(guān)系,削減了政府支出,,主導(dǎo)了部分國有資產(chǎn)的出售,。5月29日逝世。 曼紐爾·諾列加,,享年83歲,。前巴拿馬獨(dú)裁者,1989年被美國出兵趕下臺(tái),,后因受控走私可卡因,、敲詐、洗錢等罪被判入獄20多年,。5月29日因腦瘤手術(shù)并發(fā)癥去世,。 六月 羅伯特·甘皮奧,加拿大商人,,享年93歲,。他在80年代主導(dǎo)了聯(lián)合百貨和聯(lián)邦百貨的并購,引起了美國零售行業(yè)的強(qiáng)烈震蕩,。他的公司后因過度負(fù)債倒閉。6月12日,,他在渥太華的家中去世,。 赫爾穆特·科爾,德國前總理,,享年87歲,。在他的任期內(nèi),冷戰(zhàn)后的東西德于1990年實(shí)現(xiàn)了統(tǒng)一,。他還促成了歐洲的經(jīng)濟(jì)貨幣一體化,,將現(xiàn)任總理默克爾選入了他的內(nèi)閣。6月16日,,他在德國西部城市路德維希港的家中去世,。 戴希·班度·古普塔,,享年79歲,,億萬富翁、印度第二大制藥公司魯賓(Lupin)創(chuàng)始人,。在他的帶領(lǐng)下,,魯賓公司已成為全球知名基因藥物生產(chǎn)商,。他于6月26日去世。 西蒙妮·薇依,,享年89歲,,納粹屠刀下的幸存者,曾任法國衛(wèi)生部長,,她也是是法國政府的首批女部長之一,。1975年支持法國通過立法確定墮胎合法化。去世于6月30日,。 七月 尼爾·帕特森,,享年67歲,億萬富翁,,醫(yī)療信息技術(shù)公司Cerner的創(chuàng)始人兼CEO,。2009年,他的公司借美國聯(lián)邦政府要求各醫(yī)院建立數(shù)字病歷之機(jī)迅速實(shí)現(xiàn)增長,。7月9日因癌癥并發(fā)癥去世,。 亞美利科·阿莫林,享年82歲,,葡萄牙富翁,,他將專做軟木酒瓶塞的家族企業(yè)阿莫林集團(tuán)(Corticeira Amorim SGPS)打造成了一家全球巨頭,并進(jìn)軍能源和金融行業(yè),。他于7月13日去世,。 雷蒙德·薩克勒,享年97歲,。1952年薩克勒兄弟買下了普渡制藥公司,,該公司后來研發(fā)了頗有爭(zhēng)議的止痛藥物奧施康定。晚年樂善好施,,向文化教育機(jī)構(gòu)大量捐款,。他去7月17日去世。 薄滿樂,,享年55歲,。他的事業(yè)始于斯德哥爾摩期權(quán)交易所(OMX AB),2008年,,他參與主導(dǎo)了將OMX以49億美元賣給納斯達(dá)克的交易,,并繼續(xù)擔(dān)任合并后的公司總裁,后任新加坡證券交易所CEO,。7月26日因癌癥去世,。 哈羅德·威廉姆斯,享年89歲,1977至1981年任美國證監(jiān)會(huì)主席,。在他的任期內(nèi),,他要求獨(dú)董要對(duì)董事會(huì)承擔(dān)更多控制權(quán),并要求企業(yè)將CEO與董事長的職務(wù)分離,。7月30日在加州圣伊內(nèi)斯家中去世,。 八月 杰弗里·布羅特曼,享年74歲,,好市多公司創(chuàng)始人,,他的這家公司開啟了倉儲(chǔ)式超市時(shí)代。他于8月1日去世,。 里克·喬治,,享年67歲。在他擔(dān)任森科能源公司CEO的20年間,,他率先探索了加拿大的含油砂業(yè)務(wù),。8月1日因急性骨髓性白血病去世。 迪克·格雷戈里,,享年84歲,,美國喜劇演員、社會(huì)活動(dòng)家,,他激勵(lì)了整整一代黑人單口喜劇演員,,并曾與馬丁·路德·金、馬爾科姆·艾克斯等共同奔走呼號(hào),,爭(zhēng)取人權(quán),。8月19日因嚴(yán)重細(xì)菌感染病逝于華盛頓。 詹姆斯·馬奎爾,,享年86歲,,曾為伯爾希爾哈撒韋公司坐陣紐交所,為該公司股票的買家和賣家牽線,,深受巴菲特好評(píng)。8月21日在新澤西州修特山的家中去世,。 九月 皮埃爾·貝爾熱,,享年86歲。他一手將伊夫·圣·洛朗捧成了全球最知名的時(shí)尚設(shè)計(jì)師,,后來成了法國媒體和文化界名人,。9月8日,他在經(jīng)歷長期病痛折磨后,,在法國南部普羅旺斯圣雷米的家中去世,。 伊迪斯·溫莎,享年88歲,曼哈頓居民,。她的驚天一訴,,令美國最高法院于2013年推動(dòng)美國十余州承認(rèn)了同性婚姻伴侶享有的聯(lián)邦權(quán)利。9月12日逝世于紐約,。 皮特·多米尼斯,,享年85歲,曾任六屆共和黨參議員,,后因反對(duì)里根總統(tǒng)的供給側(cè)經(jīng)濟(jì)政策而與共和黨決裂,。在近期接受腹部手術(shù)后,于9月13日在阿爾伯克基市的新墨西哥州立大學(xué)醫(yī)院病逝,。 赫爾伯特·卡姆巴克,,享年95歲,美國前總統(tǒng)尼克松的私人律師,,曾為“水門事件”中的竊聽犯發(fā)過活動(dòng)經(jīng)費(fèi),,后來因?yàn)檫`反政治獻(xiàn)金法、賣官鬻爵而被判入獄,。9月15日去世于加州新港灘,。 莉莉安·貝登古,享年94歲,,歐萊雅創(chuàng)始人厄讓·舒萊爾的獨(dú)生女,。她擁有歐萊雅集團(tuán)約三分之一的股份,因此她也是全世界最富有的女性,。9月20日在巴黎郊區(qū)家中去世,。 休·海夫納,享年91歲,,《花花公子》雜志創(chuàng)始人,,他將自己奔放的生活方式變成了事業(yè),向美國人展示了如何在兩性上變得更開放,。9月27日逝世于洛杉磯的花花公子大廈,。 十月 小薩繆爾·紐豪斯,享年89歲,,康泰納仕出版公司老板,,旗下?lián)碛小禫ogue》、《紐約客》,、《名利場(chǎng)》等多本知名雜志,。10月1日逝世。 季米特里斯·洛伊斯,,享年56歲,,2011年起任可口可樂HBC公司CEO(總部位于瑞士的楚格),。10月2日在病假期間去世,病因未向外披露,。 保羅·奧特利尼,,享年66歲,2005至2013年間任英特爾公司CEO,。他重點(diǎn)發(fā)展計(jì)算機(jī)服務(wù)器市場(chǎng)的芯片業(yè)務(wù),,并與蘋果建立了合作關(guān)系,將英特爾處理器帶到Mac電腦上,,使公司實(shí)現(xiàn)了創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的利潤,。10月2日去世。 羅杰·杜比,,手表大亨,,享年79歲。1995年創(chuàng)辦豪爵品牌,,此前曾在百達(dá)翡麗公司從事高端手表研發(fā)工作長達(dá)14年,。后來他將豪爵公司賣給歷峰集團(tuán)。10月14日去世,。 西室泰三,,享年81歲,歷任東芝集團(tuán),、日本郵政控股,、東京證交所負(fù)責(zé)人,他對(duì)日本企業(yè)界的影響是極其巨大的,。關(guān)于他去世的細(xì)節(jié),,有關(guān)方面并未提供。 十一月 瓊·蒂施,,享年90歲,,億萬富翁,她的家族參與創(chuàng)辦了Loews公司,,也是紐約巨人隊(duì)的老板之一,。11月2日病逝。 小理查德·戈?duì)柕?,享?8歲,,阿波羅12號(hào)宇宙飛船飛行員,1969年在美國航天局的第二次登月任務(wù)中,,作為飛控模塊的操作員進(jìn)行了繞月飛行。11月6日病逝,。 “野獸”塞爾瓦托·里納,,87歲,,意大利黑手黨教父。因下令殺害法官,、政客,、犯罪集團(tuán)成員和告密者以及領(lǐng)導(dǎo)柯里昂犯罪家族等罪名被判終身監(jiān)禁。11月17日死于意大利帕爾瑪某醫(yī)院的監(jiān)護(hù)病房,。 查爾斯·曼森,,83年,邪教教主,,1969年在洛杉磯策劃殺害了身懷六甲的女演員莎朗·塔特等七人,。11月19日死于加州肯恩縣醫(yī)院。 曼吉特·沃斯滕霍姆,,享年53歲,,英國次貸公司Provident Financial公司執(zhí)行主席。自該公司CEO于8月下臺(tái)后,,沃斯滕霍姆也遭到指控,。他于11月23日去世。 貝爾米洛·德·阿茲維多,,享年79歲,。他將一家本地的木材加工廠經(jīng)營成了一家業(yè)務(wù)涉及零售、電信和商場(chǎng)開發(fā)的全球性企業(yè),。11月29日去世,。 十二月 約翰·安德森,享年95歲,,前伊利諾斯州共和黨籍議員,,曾作為獨(dú)立候選人參加1980年美國總統(tǒng)大選,挑戰(zhàn)了美國的兩黨制體系,。12月3日在華盛頓去世,。 斯莉絲汀·基勒,享年75歲,,年輕時(shí)曾當(dāng)過模特,。上世紀(jì)60年代,她與英國前首相約翰·普羅富莫和一位蘇聯(lián)間諜的風(fēng)流艷史曾導(dǎo)致英國保守黨因此失勢(shì),。12月4日,,她在英國法恩伯勒附近的一家醫(yī)院逝世。 亨特·哈里森,,享年73歲,。在被CSX鐵路公司聘請(qǐng)去提高該公司疲軟的績(jī)效前,哈里森曾在三家鐵路運(yùn)營商效力50年之久,。12月16日,,他在佛羅里達(dá)州的威靈頓去世,,此時(shí)距他請(qǐng)病假暫離CEO崗位只有幾天。 羅伯特·威爾默,,享年83歲,,他將M&T銀行發(fā)展為美國第13大銀行,連巴菲特也是他的粉絲,。12月16日在紐約家中去世,。 威廉·雅智,享年79歲,。他一度是商界炙手可熱的明星,,但在80年代擔(dān)任Bendix公司CEO期間,其主導(dǎo)的一起并購交易以失敗告終,;90年代效力于建筑公司Morrison Knudsen公司期間,,該公司也以崩潰告終,威廉·雅智的職業(yè)生涯也就此慘淡收?qǐng)觥?2月20日,,他因呼吸衰竭和硬皮癥等導(dǎo)致的并發(fā)癥,,在西雅圖的瑞典醫(yī)院病逝。(財(cái)富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:賈政景 |
Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner, Fox News Channel Chief Executive Officer Roger Ailes and billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller were among newsmakers in business, finance and public affairs who died in 2017. The business world lost Raymond Sackler, who bought Purdue Pharma, producer of the controversial pain pill OxyContin; Taizo Nishimuro, former head of Toshiba and the Tokyo Stock Exchange; Jeffrey Brotman, co-founder of Costco Wholesale; Paul Otellini, former CEO of chipmaker Intel ; and Joan Tisch, the billionaire matriarch of the clan that started Loews. Financial leaders who died included Henry Hillman, who provided startup funding for venture-capital pioneer Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and private-equity firm KKR & Co.; Liliane Bettencourt, the L’Oreal heiress who was the world’s wealthiest woman; and James Maguire, who matched buyers and sellers of Berkshire Hathaway shares as Warren Buffett’s New York Stock Exchange floor specialist. Among deceased public sector figures were Manuel Noriega, the Panamanian dictator who was ousted by a U.S. invasion and imprisoned for drug trafficking; Helmut Kohl, the German chancellor who oversaw his country’s reunification after the Cold War; and Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser. Here are the year’s notable deaths, with each name linked to a previously published obituary. A cause of death is provided when known. January Luc Coene, 69. Belgian economist who was a member of the European Central Bank’s supervisory unit, where he defended the stimulus policies enacted under President Mario Draghi, and a former governor of the National Bank of Belgium. Died Jan. 5. Mario Soares, 92. Prime minister who helped consolidate Portugal’s transition to democracy and in 1976 became the first freely elected premier after a revolution ended almost five decades of dictatorship. Died Jan. 7. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, 82. Co-founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran who served two terms as president and was a key ally of President Hassan Rouhani. Died Jan. 8 from heart failure at a hospital in Tehran. Walter Lange, 92. Fled Germany in 1948 and returned four decades later to resurrect the high-end watchmaker A. Lange & Soehne, which is now owned by Swiss luxury-goods maker Richemont. Died Jan. 17. Mary Tyler Moore, 80. American actress who made lasting changes to how women and marriage are portrayed in popular culture through the characters she portrayed in The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Died Jan. 25. February Ken Morrison, 85. Turned his father’s local grocery store into the U.K.’s fourth-biggest supermarket chain, Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc, which operates more than 500 stores. Died Feb. 1 at his home in Yorkshire, in northern England, after a brief illness. Lorenzo Servitje, 98. Co-founder of Mexico’s Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV, who helped expand the company into the world’s largest bread maker. Died Feb. 3 in Mexico City. Marisa Leticia Lula da Silva, 66. The wife of former two-term Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, she was charged in connection with Brazil’s long-running probe into bribes involving the state-run oil company Petrobras. Died Feb 3. at the Sirio-Libanes Hospital in Sao Paulo after a stroke. William Cooper, 73. Led TCF Financial for three decades, expanding the Wayzata, Minnesota-based bank to more than 300 branches in the Midwest. Died Feb. 7 from cancer at a Minneapolis-area hospital. Mike Ilitch, 87. Billionaire who used the fortune he built as the founder of closely held Little Caesars Enterprises, the No. 3 U.S. pizza chain, to buy local sports teams and spur development in financially strapped Detroit. Died Feb. 10 at a Detroit-area hospital. Robert Michel, 93. Republican congressman serving Illinois who emphasized consultation and civility as House leader from 1981 to 1995 before making way for Newt Gingrich and a more combative approach to governing. Died Feb. 17 from pneumonia at a hospital in Arlington, Virginia. Vitaly Churkin, 64. Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations since 2006 who defended his nation’s foreign policy as it waged war with Georgia, annexed the Crimean peninsula and supported separatists in Ukraine. Died Feb. 20 in New York. Kenneth Arrow, 95. The U.S. scholar whose study of how the various parts of an economy work toward equilibrium won him the Nobel Prize in 1972 and established him as one of the founders of modern economics. Died Feb. 21 at his home in Palo Alto, California. Irvine Sellar, 82. U.K. real estate developer whose Sellar Property Group developed London’s Shard skyscraper, the tallest tower in western Europe. Died Feb. 26 following a brief illness. Mark Czarnecki, 61. Rose from assistant branch manager to president and chief operating officer at M&T Bank Corp. during four decades at the Buffalo, New York-based lender. The bank’s largest shareholders include Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., with a stake of about 3.5 percent. Died Feb. 26 at a hospital in Buffalo, New York, following a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. March Joe Rogers, 97. Co-founded in 1955 the Waffle House chain of U.S. roadside diners specializing in Southern-style breakfasts served 24-hours-a-day at more than 1,800 locations. Died March 3. Stephen Ross, 73. Economist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology best known for developing arbitrage pricing theory in 1976 and other models that shaped economic theory and investment management. Died March 3 from cardiac arrest at his home in Old Lyme, Connecticut. Gershon Kekst, 82. Founded New York-based Kekst & Co., the dominant public-relations firm for mergers and acquisitions, with clients such as former Citigroup Inc. CEO Sanford Weill and billionaire investor Henry Kravis. Died March 17 in a New York-area hospital. David Rockefeller, 101. The U.S. banker, philanthropist, presidential adviser and heir to one of history’s most fabled fortunes was also the world’s oldest billionaire. Died March 20 from congestive heart failure at his home in Pocantico Hills, New York. Martin McGuinness, 66. Former Irish Republican Army leader and Sinn Fein leader who helped negotiate peace in Northern Ireland after decades of sectarian violence. Died March 21. Charles Murphy, 56. Partner at hedge-fund manager Paulson & Co. in New York and an architect of the firm’s activist push at American International Group. Died March 27 after leaping out a window at a New York hotel. Ahmed Kathrada, 87. Anti-apartheid activist who, along with Nelson Mandela, spent more than two decades in prison for plotting to overthrow South Africa’s white-minority government. Died March 28 in a Johannesburg hospital following brain surgery. April Henry Hillman, 98. Billionaire who diversified his family’s Pittsburgh-based coal and coke fortune and provided startup funding for private-equity firm KKR & Co. and Silicon Valley venture-capital company Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Died April 14 at Shadyside Hospital in Pittsburgh. Graef “Bud” Crystal, 82. He became the foremost critic of excessive compensation after four decades advising board directors on how to justify paying their chief executives top dollar. Died April 18 from heart disease at his home in Las Vegas. Harvey Krueger, 88. The Lehman Brothers executive who opened an early investment pipeline between Wall Street and Israel that helped finance companies such as Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the world’s largest generic drugmaker. Died April 23 at his home in Manhattan. Raj Kumar Bagri, 86. Rose from filing clerk at a Calcutta trading company to chairman of the London Metal Exchange. Died April 26. Thomas Forkner, 98. Co-founded Waffle House, the chain of 1,800 roadside diners spread across half the U.S. serving Southern-style breakfasts around the clock. Died April 26 at a retirement home in Johns Creek, Georgia. Co-founder Joe Rogers died in March at age 97. May Allan Meltzer, 89. Economist and Federal Reserve historian who was critical of the central bank’s recent policies, such as keeping interest rates low during the housing boom that fueled the credit crisis in 2008. Died May 8. John F. Donahue, 92. Founder and longtime leader of Federated Investors Inc., a Pittsburgh-based investment-management firm best known for its money-market funds. Died May 11 in Naples, Florida. Mauno Koivisto, 93. Former president of Finland who steered the Nordic nation through the collapse of the Soviet Union and toward entry into the European Union. Died May 12 at a hospital in Helsinki. Brad Grey, 59. The former talent agent who led Viacom’s Paramount Pictures for 12 years before his ouster in February and had produced the groundbreaking television series The Sopranos. Died May 14 from cancer. Roger Ailes, 77. Former U.S. presidential adviser who in 1996 started the Fox News Channel with Rupert Murdoch to promote a Republican agenda and built it into the most-watched U.S. cable news network before resigning amid sexual harassment allegations. Died May 18 from injuries sustained in a fall at his home in Palm Beach, Florida. Donald Stone, 93. Floor specialist who helped govern the New York Stock Exchange for more than two decades and rose to become its vice chairman. Died May 20 at his home in Scarsdale, New York. Jerry Perenchio, 86. Former talent agent and sports promoter who built Univision Communications Inc. into the largest Spanish-language broadcaster in the U.S. and was regarded as a consummate Hollywood dealmaker. Died May 22 of cancer at his home in the Bel-Air section of Los Angeles. Zbigniew Brzezinski, 89. President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, who advocated a hard line toward the Soviet Union and helped develop the unsuccessful military mission in 1980 to rescue American hostages held in Iran. Died May 26. Jim Bunning, 85. Hall of Fame baseball player who in 1964 pitched the first perfect game in the National League in more than 80 years and later served two terms as a U.S. senator from Kentucky. Died May 26 from a stroke. Constantine Mitsotakis, 98. Former Greek prime minister who strengthened ties with the European Union and attempted unpopular cuts to government spending and state-asset sales in the early 1990s. Died May 29. Manuel Noriega, 83. Panamanian dictator who was ousted by a U.S. invasion in 1989, convicted on charges of cocaine trafficking, racketeering and money laundering, and spent more than two decades in prison. Died May 29 from complications following the removal of a brain tumor earlier in the year. June Robert Campeau, 93. Canadian businessman who in the 1980s engineered the takeover of Allied Stores and Federated Department Stores, which shook up the U.S. retail industry until his company collapsed from the weight of excessive debt. Died June 12 at his home in Ottawa. Helmut Kohl, 87. German chancellor who oversaw his country’s 1990 reunification after the Cold War, helped forge Europe’s economic and monetary union and gave current chancellor Angela Merkel her first cabinet post. Died June 16 at his home in the western German city of Ludwigshafen. Desh Bandhu Gupta, 79. Billionaire founder and chairman of Lupin, India’s second-biggest drugmaker, which grew from a domestic business into a global powerhouse as a producer of generic drugs. Died June 26. Simone Veil, 89. Holocaust survivor who became one of the first female ministers in the French government when she was appointed health minister and helped build support for the 1975 law that legalized abortion in France. Died June 30. July Neal Patterson, 67. Billionaire co-founder and CEO of Cerner, a health-care information technology company based in Kansas City, Missouri, which capitalized on the 2009 federal law requiring U.S. hospitals to digitize patient records. Died July 9 from complications related to cancer. Americo Amorim, 82. Portuguese billionaire who turned his family’s cork producer, Corticeira Amorim SGPS, into a global giant and expanded into energy and financial industries. Died July 13. Raymond Sackler, 97. With his brother Mortimer, in 1952 he bought Purdue Pharma, which would develop the controversial blockbuster pain pill OxyContin, and in later years gave away millions of dollars to cultural and educational institutions. Died July 17. Magnus Bocker, 55. He began his career at OMX AB and helped engineer the 2008 deal to sell OMX to Nasdaq for $4.9 billion, serving as president of the combined organization before leaving to become CEO at Singapore Exchange Ltd. Died July 26 from cancer. Harold Williams, 89. He led the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, calling for more control of corporate boards by independent directors and separating the jobs of CEO and chairman. Died July 30 at his home in Santa Ynez, California. August Jeffrey Brotman, 74. Co-founder of Issaquah, Washington-based Costco Wholesale, which helped trigger a movement that spread warehouse-style shopping to much of the world. Died Aug. 1. Rick George, 67. Helped pioneer Canada’s oil-sands industry during two decades as CEO at Suncor Energy. Died Aug. 1 from acute myeloid leukemia. Dick Gregory, 84. U.S. comedian and activist who inspired a generation of black stand-up performers and joined Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the struggle for civil rights. Died Aug. 19 in Washington from a severe bacterial infection. James Maguire, 86. Won praise from Warren Buffett for efficiently matching buyers and sellers of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. shares as the company’s New York Stock Exchange floor specialist. Died Aug. 21 at his home in Short Hills, N.J. September Pierre Berge, 86. He helped make Yves Saint Laurent one of the world’s most acclaimed fashion designers and later became a well-known media and cultural figure in France. Died Sept. 8 at his home in Saint-Remy-de-Provence in the south of France after a long illness. Edith Windsor, 88. Manhattan resident whose landmark legal case led the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 to establish federal rights for same-sex married couples in more than a dozen states. Died Sept. 12 in New York. Pete Domenici, 85. Six-term Republican senator from New Mexico who broke with his party by opposing the supply-side economic policies of President Ronald Reagan. Died Sept. 13 at the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico, following recent abdominal surgery. Herbert Kalmbach, 95. President Richard Nixon’s personal attorney who distributed cash to the Watergate burglars and later was imprisoned for breaking campaign-finance laws and selling ambassadorships. Died Sept. 15 in Newport Beach, Calif. Liliane Bettencourt, 94. The only child of L’Oreal SA founder Eugene Schueller, she owned about one-third of the Paris-based company’s shares, making her the world’s wealthiest woman. Died Sept. 20 at her home in Neuilly, a suburb of Paris. Hugh Hefner, 91. Founder of Playboy magazine who turned his swinging lifestyle into a professional calling and showed Americans how to be more open about sex. Died Sept. 27 at his home, the Playboy Mansion, in Los Angeles. October Samuel “Si” Newhouse Jr., 89. Billionaire who as head of Conde Nast Publications in New York oversaw some of the best-known U.S. magazines, including Vogue, the New Yorker and Vanity Fair. Died Oct. 1. Dimitris Lois, 56. CEO since 2011 at Coca-Cola HBC, formerly called Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling, based in Zug, Switzerland. Died Oct. 2 while on medical leave for an undisclosed illness. Paul Otellini, 66. Intel’s CEO from 2005 to 2013, who pushed the chipmaker to record profits by emphasizing processors for the lucrative computer server market and guiding a partnership with Apple to bring Intel processors to Mac computers. Died Oct. 2. Roger Dubuis, 79. Watchmaker who spent 14 years at Patek Philippe developing complicated luxury timepieces before starting his own Geneva-based brand in 1995, then selling the firm to Richemont. Died Oct. 14. Taizo Nishimuro, 81. He held enormous influence over corporate Japan for decades as head of Toshiba, Japan Post Holdings and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. No details were given. November Joan Tisch, 90. Billionaire matriarch of the family that co-founded Loews and co-owns the New York Giants football team. Died Nov. 2 after a brief illness. Richard Gordon Jr., 88. The Apollo 12 astronaut who in 1969 orbited the moon as command-module pilot during NASA’s second manned moon-landing mission. Died Nov. 6. Salvatore “The Beast” Riina, 87. Sicilian mafia godfather imprisoned for life after ordering the killings of judges, politicians, mobsters and informers while head of the Corleone crime family. Died Nov. 17 at the section for prisoners in Parma’s hospital, in northern Italy. Charles Manson, 83. Imprisoned cult leader who in 1969 masterminded the gruesome murders of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six other people in Los Angeles. Died Nov. 19 at Kern County Hospital in California. Manjit Wolstenholme, 53. Executive chairman of U.K. subprime lender Provident Financial, who had been in charge since August, when the troubled company’s CEO stepped down. Died Nov. 23. Belmiro de Azevedo, 79. He became Portugal’s richest person after transforming a local wood-panel manufacturer into a global enterprise involved in retailing, telecommunications and shopping-center development. Died Nov. 29. December John Anderson, 95. Former Republican congressman from Illinois who challenged the two-party system by running as an independent candidate in the 1980 presidential election. Died Dec. 3 in Washington. Christine Keeler, 75. Former model whose scandalous affairs with U.K. government minister John Profumo and a Soviet spy in the 1960s led the Conservative Party to lose power. Died Dec. 4 at a hospital near Farnborough, England. E. Hunter Harrison, 73. Turned around three railroad carriers during a five-decade career before being tapped by CSX to improve the company’s lackluster performance. Died Dec. 16 in Wellington, Florida, days after taking medical leave from his role as CEO. Robert Wilmers, 83. Expanded M&T Bank Corp. from its upstate New York roots into the 13th-largest U.S. lender and counted Warren Buffett among his biggest fans. Died Dec. 16 at his home in New York City. William Agee, 79. One-time corporate star whose career foundered with an ill-fated acquisition attempt while CEO at Bendix Corp. in the 1980s and the collapse of construction company Morrison Knudsen Corp. in the 1990s. Died Dec. 20 at Swedish Hospital in Seattle of complications from respiratory failure and scleroderma, a connective tissue disease. |