EXAMPLE: My new job is difficult, pays poorly, and demands that I work far too much, but the saving grace is that I can do it with just a cell phone and a laptop and don't need an office.
單詞 | cavil |
中文釋義 |
苛責(動詞) |
英文釋義 |
(verb) To complain at length about trivial details; to state irrelevant objections. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: Our new plan's opponents were able to whine and cavil for days until it was too late to start. 反對我們新計劃的人抱怨和苛責了很多天,致使這項計劃被延誤過久,,無法啟動,。 |
短語 | the saving grace |
中文釋義 |
可取之處 |
英文釋義 |
A single positive quality or benefit that redeems something with numerous negative qualities and no other benefits. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: My new job is difficult, pays poorly, and demands that I work far too much, but the saving grace is that I can do it with just a cell phone and a laptop and don't need an office. 我的工作很難,薪水很低,對工作量的要求非常大,,但可取之處是我只需一部手機和一臺筆記本電腦就能工作,,不需要辦公室。 |