????道具,。史蒂夫?喬布斯的演講技巧備受贊譽(yù),他總是能牢牢抓住聽眾的注意力,將“壓軸戲”留到終場——這“壓軸戲”往往就是一件道具。從牛仔褲兜里掏出一個iPod Nano,從文件袋里拿出一個MacBook Air,,喬布斯總是能震住我們。當(dāng)然,,要取得這樣的效果,,用酷酷的消費(fèi)電子產(chǎn)品,效果自然比4季度營銷數(shù)據(jù)好,,但發(fā)揮你的想象力,。什么樣的東西能抓在手里,讓人眼前一亮,? ????如果你尊重你的聽眾,,演講從頭到尾都很有意思,你就更能讓他們記住你說的內(nèi)容和你希望讓他們做的事情,。從沙特到舊金山,,這一點(diǎn)放之四海而皆準(zhǔn)。 ????譯者:早稻米 |
????A prop. Steve Jobs was celebrated for keeping audiences on the edge of their seats by saving his "one last thing" for the grand finale -- and that last thing was usually a prop. Pulling an iPod Nano out of his jeans pocket, or a MacBook Air from a manila folder, Jobs always got the drop on us. Sure, that's easier to do with cool consumer electronics than with Q4 marketing numbers, but use your imagination. What's something you can hold in your hand that will surprise and delight? ????If you respect your audience by keeping things interesting from beginning to end, you'll have a better chance of getting them to remember what you said and what you want them to do. And that holds true from Saudi Arabia to San Francisco. |