????這則消息頗具諷刺性,。一方面,中國官方媒體每天針對所謂歧視性的iPhone手機售后政策對蘋果(Apple)口誅筆伐,,與此同時,,蘋果公司則正在調查一個中國詐騙團伙。他們利用了蘋果的維修政策暗中牟利,。 ????據英國科技網站The Register周一報道,中國溫州一家銷售蘋果產品的電子商店有五名員工被捕,。據報道,,這五名員工以有故障需要更換為由,向蘋果公司提交了121部假冒的iPhone 4S手機“BAND配件”(BAND為廠家專業(yè)術語,,指整機除電池,、后蓋外的其余部分——譯注。目前尚不清楚這些BAND是調制解調器配件還是主板),。很明顯,,這個詐騙團伙購買后蓋,、電池和其他組件后,經過重新組裝就可以當作全新的iPhone銷售,。 ????The Register的菲利?蒙卡斯特報道稱:“蘋果花了一個多月的時間才發(fā)現(xiàn)這起詐騙,。之后,蘋果公司通知店鋪老板開始展開調查,。4月1日,,警方最終抓獲了本案的主犯——商店的一位女性工程師及其男友?!?/p> ????就在詐騙團伙被摧毀的當天,,蒂姆?庫克向蘋果的中國用戶致歉,同時修改了公司的保修政策,,保證在中國符合保修政策的iPhone 4與4S,,在維修時均將更換全新(而非翻新)配件。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????Talk about an ironic twist. Even as Apple (AAPL) was being lambasted daily in Chinese state-run media for what was being portrayed as unfair iPhone return policies, the company was investigating a ring of Chinese scammers taking advantage of those same policies to rip the company off. ????According to a report Monday in The Register, five employees at an electronics store selling Apple goods were arrested in Wenzhou, China, after they submitted 121 fake iPhone 4S "BAND parts" (it's not clear if these are modem assemblies or motherboards or what) to Apple, claiming they were defective and needed replacing. Apparently the scammers would buy a back cover, battery, and other components, re-assemble the device and sell it as a new iPhone. ????"It took Apple over a month to spot the scam," The Register's Phil Muncaster reports, "after which the owner of the store in question was informed and an investigation begun. On April 1 police finally cuffed a shop engineer and her boyfriend as the ringleaders." ????As it turns out, the arrest took place the same day Tim Cook issued an apology to Apple's Chinese customers and changed the company's return policy, guaranteeing that any iPhone 4 and 4S brought in for repair under warranty in China would be replaced with new (not refurbished) parts. |