????今年三月,,三星(Samsung)在一場轟轟烈烈如百老匯歌劇般的發(fā)布會上推出了Galaxy S4,。華爾街當時一致預測它的銷量即將超越蘋果(Apple),因為iPhone 5上市已有半年,,而目前尚無新品推出,。
????不過,事與愿違,,三星近日宣布Galaxy S4銷量低于預期,。華爾街于是紛紛應和,稱原因在于高端智能手機市場已經開始趨于飽和,而蘋果iPhone銷量也會受到影響,,甚至會比Galaxy S4更嚴重,。 ????所以,,威瑞森(Verizon)上周四公布第二季度財報時,,大家著實吃了一驚。數據顯示,,這家公司上季度激活的750萬部智能手機中,,有390萬部(51%)是iPhone。 ????“390萬部這個數字超過了我們預計的350萬部,?!焙陿蛐磐型顿Y集團(BTIG)分析師沃爾特?皮斯基在致客戶的報告中寫道:“而且,iPhone激活量在上季度增速超過40%,,而一季度其漲幅還僅為25%,。” ????威瑞森并未透露剩下的360萬部中有多少是Android手機,,當然,,其中三星手機占比多少我們更無從得知了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航 |
????When Samsung introduced the Galaxy S4 with Broadway-style fanfare in March, the assumption on Wall Street was that it was going to steal a march on Apple (AAPL), whose newest iPhone was already 6 months old and not getting any younger. ????When Samsung sold fewer Galaxy S4s than expected, the assumption on the Street was that the market for high-end smartphones had become saturated, and that Apple's iPhone sales would suffer the same fate -- or worse -- as the Galaxy S4's. ????"3.9 million topped our estimate of 3.5 million," BTIG's Walter Piecyk wrote in a note to clients, "and growth in those activations accelerated to >40% in Q2 from 25% in Q1." ????Verizon didn't specify how many of the other 3.6 million activations were Android phones, or what percentage of those Androids were Samsung's. |