







專欄 - 蘋果2_0

風投稱iWatch或許根本就不是手表 蘋果做的是應用

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年03月28日



????谷歌(Google)上周發(fā)布了面向開發(fā)者的Android Wear可穿戴設備平臺,并推出兩條宣傳視頻,。不過,,這可能倒幫了蘋果(Apple)的忙。



????埃文斯剛剛成為安德森?霍洛維茨(Andreessen Horowitz)基金的合伙人。他在個人博客上寫道:“谷歌Wear的設計理念是,,智能手表是Android智能手機的遠程觸摸遙控器,。我們不妨把它與關于新的蘋果‘Healthbook’應用平臺的傳言進行一番比較?!?/p>

????Google (GOOG) may have done Apple (AAPL) a favor when it posted two promotional videos for what it's calling Android Wear: A new extension to the Android operating system released last week to developers.

????The videos are very good -- both for their production values and for showing what can be done on a wrist-based touchscreen connected wirelessly to a smartphone that's connected to the Internet.

????But they also suggest -- at least to Benedict Evans -- that what Google has planned for the wrist may be very different from what Apple has up its sleeve.

????"The Wear concept," Andreessen Horowitz's newest partner writes on his personal blog, "is that smart watches are remote touch displays for an Android smartphone. Now contrast this with the rumors of a new Apple 'Healthbook' app."






????“這也許解釋了為什么蘋果最近招聘的‘可穿戴設備專家’聽起來不像是研發(fā)手表的人,,倒像是在研發(fā)測量多種技術性指標的醫(yī)療設備,。因為蘋果打算增強醫(yī)療保健設備的功能,而不是把它們一股腦地裝入自家的手表或手機里,。換言之,,簡單的傳感器會裝入手機(例如iPhone 5S自帶的計步器),而一些復雜精密的設備會由一個被授權的蘋果平臺去管理,,而不是整合進任何蘋果產(chǎn)品設備中,。”




????Leaked Healthbook screenshots show a display of "cards" offering a range of health-related data: Hydration, blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, respitory rate, oxygen saturation, etc.

????It's hard to imagine a device that can measure all those things fitting into something stylish enough to meet Jony Ives' exacting taste in watches. But if Evans is right, it wouldn't have to.

????"Suppose for the sake of argument," he writes, "that Apple does indeed plan a health app that's card-based, somewhat like Passbook. What would happen when you buy and turn on a blood pressure monitor that is certified for 'Healthbook'?

????"Well, one would expect that Apple would use the Bluetooth LE auto discovery that's already in iOS7 to detect it automatically and tell you. And then, suppose it offers to install the Healthbook card to manage it... Suppose it does the same for any sensor you might buy? Then Apple has created a zero-setup platform for personal health devices. No apps, no native code, no app store, no configuration at all.

????"This would be one answer to why Apple's recent hires of 'wearables experts' sound a bit like a team for a hospital device rather than a watch, measuring various quite technical things -- because Apple plans to enable such devices, not try to pack every single one into its own device. That is, the straightforward sensors should live in the phone (like the pedometer that's already in the iPhone 5S) and the complex and demanding ones should be enabled by an Apple platform, not become part of an Apple device."

????The issue for Apple and Google, Evans writes, is where the code lives. Both companies seem to be saying that the "smart" part of wearable devices should be concentrated in the smartphone or tablet -- something that's easy to update and gets replaced every couple of years.

????"Everything else," Evans concludes, "should be a dumb sensor or dumb glass or both."






