????當被問及“什么是真正的領導力?”時,,一位知名公司顧問給出了下列答案: ????“當領導力真正貫徹于一家公司時,,你能看出來,因為這里的每個人都完全敬業(yè),。他們常常會在下班回家后告訴親朋好友,‘今天的工作棒極了’,?!?/p> ????此刻,我要問問你們這些正在閱讀這篇文章的未來領袖,,你有多少次下班后會覺得“今天的工作棒極了”,?如果答案不能令你滿意,你也許需要發(fā)掘一下“敬業(yè)”的含義以及怎樣才能讓你的公司充滿敬業(yè)的員工,。 ????那么,,“敬業(yè)”的定義是什么? ????根據(jù)專門幫助各類組織機構使員工達到充分敬業(yè)狀態(tài)的Denison咨詢公司的觀點,,敬業(yè)是: ????“一家組織中的個體對他們的職責,、工作和公司的參與,、投入以及心理上付出的程度。員工敬業(yè)程度是個體表現(xiàn),、工作滿意度,、忠誠度、決策努力程度和工作業(yè)績的良好預測指標,?!?/p> ????基于這樣的定義,我們很容易理解為什么世界上規(guī)模最大的那些公司紛紛投入不菲資金來打造高度敬業(yè)的公司文化,。實際情況就是,,充分敬業(yè)的員工會為公司帶來最大的貢獻,而且是不斷獲得商業(yè)成功的關鍵動力,。那么,,你知道如果員工不敬業(yè),顧客也會不滿意嗎,?回頭看看杰克?韋爾奇的話,,你們現(xiàn)在能清楚地看到敬業(yè)、客戶滿意度和現(xiàn)金流之間的關系了嗎,? ????好的,,那么……敬業(yè)看起來是什么樣呢?從人力咨詢機構Blessing & White公司的著名“x模型”中可以看出,,兩種相互關聯(lián)的情況同時出現(xiàn)就是敬業(yè),,這兩種情況是: ????? 個人對公司作出最大貢獻,從而使公司獲得商業(yè)成功 ????? 個人滿意度達到最高,,從而實現(xiàn)個人成功 |
????A well-known organizational consultant, when asked ‘what is real leadership?’ answers as follows: ????“You can tell when real leadership is happening throughout an organization because the people are fully engaged. More often than not, they go home after a day at work and tell their friends and family ‘I had a Great Day at work.’ ????So today, I invite you emerging leaders who may be reading this article, how often do your people end the day with the feeling ‘this was a Great Day at work’ ? If you aren’t happy with your answer, it may be time for you to discover what ‘engagement’ is all about and what it takes to have fully engaged people in your organization. ????So, What is the Definition of ‘Engagement’? ????According to Denison, a consultancy that focuses solely on helping organizations create fully engaged people, Engagement is: ????“The degree to which the individuals in an organization are involved, committed and psychologically invested in their work, their job and their organization. Employee engagement is a good predictor of individual-level outcomes, job satisfaction, loyalty, discretionary effort and job performance.” ????Based on this definition, it’s easy to see why the world’s largest companies are investing serious money in creating High-Engagement Cultures. The simple fact is, fully engaged people give the most and are the key drivers of consistent business success. And, did you know that if your employees are not engaged, your customers will not be either? Looking back at the Jack Welch quote, can you now see the clear connection between Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Cash Flow? ????OK, So…What Does Engagement Look Like? According to Blessing & White’s famous “X Model”, Engagement occurs when two related things are happening at the same time: ????? The Organization is experiencing maximum contribution from an individual and is a result achieves business success ????? The Individual experiences maximum satisfaction and as a result experiences personal success. |
