


Laura Lorenzetti 2014-08-08


??? 解決辦法何在,?研究人員給出的答案是:教育。


????The solution? Education, according to the researchers.

????By boosting education growth rates to those seen in the mid-20th century, meaning if the U.S. workforce gained a year’s equivalent of education over five years, the nation’s GDP would be 2.4% higher over that time period than otherwise.





????There’s one catch. More people with college degrees would mean more people competing for higher-paying jobs.

????Short term, the competition could slow wage gains for those with post-secondary degrees as more people compete for a set number of jobs. But that would help those lower down the education spectrum catch up on pay as the economy gains steam from increased output.

????Essentially, it would squeeze inequality to a more manageable gap.
