


Patricia Sellers 2013-08-15






????On the spot, I responded in an impatient fashion: "I wish you had told me this before," I said to her in a rather stern tone, reminding her about all the women scientists we had exposed her to. I even asked my wife if we could change our daughter's choice back to a STEM subject. Too late, my wife told me.

????I realize now that I should have asked my daughter much earlier about her upcoming choice of topic at camp. As a result, rather than help my daughter "lean in" and pursue a topic she loved, I allowed outdated societal modes to distract her. I failed to counter, much less acknowledge, a stereotype that clouded the lens through which my daughter viewed science. And I feel doubly bad given the solid research that speaks to the role that fathers can have in influencing their daughters' approach to STEM.

????I can make lots of excuses for my slip. I was traveling when she first made the choice; ancient civilization is a good topic; subject diversification is wise; she is only 10; there is always next year; we are human and easily fall victim to unconscious biases, etc.

????Yet none of these excuses speak to an inconvenient truth: Despite my awareness and engagement, I stumbled when it came to preempting a bias that risks derailing girls from STEM fields at an early age.

????There is a silver lining here. The slip-up has more than taught me an embarrassing lesson: It has afforded our family a great opportunity to think, collectively and deeply, about a really important issue. As a result, we will be having even more discussions about unconscious biases and damaging stereotypes.

????Who knows, by making and learning from this mistake, maybe a potentially a bigger one with longer-lasting ramifications will be avoided down the road. And by the way, it looks like things are working out. My daughter told me that she found ancient civilization "a little boring" and she wishes she had taken a STEM course. Next summer, that's her plan.
