如果你是個資深驢友,你可能已經攢了一長串世界各地想去的地方的名單了,。當然美國也有很多熱門旅行地值得一游,,不管你想在海灘徜徉,探索一座新的城市,,還是飽覽野外的美景,,大美利堅都能滿足你。 從剛剛復蘇的底特律,,到本德(俄勒岡州)的恬靜風光,,不管你喜歡哪種游,美國總會有一個地方適合你,。 |
If you're the type of person who keeps a travel bucket list, you probably have destinations all over the world that you'd like to visit. But there are also plenty of amazing vacation destinations in the US, whether you're looking to lounge by the beach, explore a new city, or take on the great outdoors. From the newly revitalized Detroit, Michigan, to the serene landscapes of Bend, Oregon, there's no shortage of places to visit in the US no matter what you're looking for. |
圣達菲近年來被游客譽為全球最佳城市之一,,它也是饕餮者眼中的全美最佳城市之一。 圣達菲的藝術產業(yè)也很發(fā)達,,在不到兩平方英里的區(qū)域內有200多家美術館,。圣達菲還有全美最瘋狂的游樂場,以及新墨西哥最頂尖的當代藝術館SITE Santa Fe,。 |
Santa Fe was recently named one of the best cities in the world by travelers and one of the best US cities for foodies. It also has a booming art scene featuring 200 art galleries on two square miles, including the craziest fun house in America and SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico's leading contemporary art gallery, which is undergoing a massive expansion. |
近些年來,,底特律這座敗敗的工業(yè)老城已經煥發(fā)了第二春,城市變得重新熱鬧起來,,而且新開了不少美術館,、新潮酒店和釀酒作坊。底特律市中心一座冰球和籃球場館,,沿著河邊小路也新建了三座公園,。底特律也被《孤獨星球》評為2018年最佳旅游城市之一。 另外,,隨著QLine電車的開通,,暢游底特律的所有熱門景點也成了一件相當容易的事,。 |
In recent years, Detroit has transformed from a struggling city to a bustling one filled with trendy galleries, hip hotels, and cool distilleries. There's a hockey and basketball arena downtown, and three new parks that will extend the riverfront trail. It's no wonder that the city was named one of the best cities for travel in 2018 by Lonely Planet. Plus, getting to all of Detroit's hotspots is easy thanks to the QLine streetcar. |
新奧爾良是個四季皆宜的旅行地,但明年新奧爾良將迎來建城300周年大慶,。也就是說,,2018年的新奧爾良將為游客奉上許許多多的活動、演唱會,、宴會和焰火,。 Ace酒店、亨利霍德華酒店等新酒店,,加上耗資1000萬美元重新裝修的百年老店——蓬特查蘭酒店的開張,,必將使你的新奧之旅更加奢華。 《好胃口》還將新奧爾良的一家三明治商店Turkey and the Wolf評為全美最佳新餐館,。你可以先嘗嘗當地有名的Bologna大臘腸,,然后到著名的杜夢咖啡館買幾個新鮮出爐的貝奈特餅。 |
It's never a bad time to visit NOLA, but this year, the party capital is celebrating its tricentennial — or 300th anniversary. That means that 2018 will bring plenty of special events, concerts, parties, and fireworks. New hotels like The Ace and The Henry Howard, as well as the $10 million renovation of the historic Pontchartrain Hotel, will make a trip here more luxe than ever. Bon Appétit also named Turkey and the Wolf, one of the city's sandwich shops, the best new restaurant in the country. Go for the fried bologna, and then stop by the famed Café du Monde for beignets. |
被《好胃口》評為"年度美食城市"的芝加哥也是食客的熱門旅行地,。到了芝加哥,,當地出名的Au Cheval漢堡是不可不吃的,它經常被贊為全美國最好吃的漢堡,。此外Lou Malnati's或者Pequod's等餐館的深盤披薩也不可不嘗,。另一個比去的餐廳則是被譽為全美最佳餐廳之一的Alinea。最近在美國大火的Nutella咖啡廳今年也在芝加哥開店了,。 除了令人眼花繚亂的美食,,芝加哥還有不少名勝吸引著廣大游客,比如海灘,、棒球場,、釀酒廠、喜劇俱樂部,、博物館,、音樂節(jié)等等。芝加哥朗廷酒店也被評為2018年美國最佳五星級酒店,。不過要想去芝加哥旅游,,最好的季節(jié)還是春季或者夏季。 |
Named the "Restaurant City of the Year" by Bon Appétit, Chicago is a hot destination for foodies. Must-eats include the Au Cheval burger — which is frequently named among the best burgers in the country— deep dish from any number of the city's institutions like Lou Malnati's or Pequod's, and anything from Alinea, which is considered one of the best restaurants in the country. The city also saw the opening of the first-ever Nutella Café this year. Besides its buzzing dining scene, Chicago has plenty of other tourist draws: beaches, ballparks, breweries, comedy clubs, museums, and music festivals. Trivago also named the Langham Chicago the best five-star hotel in the US for 2018. Just do yourself a favor and go in the spring or summer. |
明尼阿波利斯絕對是2018年不可不去的一個地方,,這里明年二月將舉辦"超級碗",,七月還將舉辦Summer X夏季極限運動錦標賽。 據《國家地理》報道,,明尼阿波利斯最近還被評為美國幸福感最高的城市之一,。 |
Minneapolis is definitely the place to be in 2018, as the city will host Super Bowl LII in February, as well as the Summer X Games (an extreme sports event) in July. The city was also recently ranked as one of the happiest cities in the US according to National Geographic. |
在歷史感濃郁的查爾斯頓,除了一些歷史悠久的建筑讓你嘆為觀止,,還有許多鵝卵石鋪就的小徑供人徜徉,,難怪它也是很多人心中最向往的城市,。《旅游+休閑》雜志甚至將它評為2016年全球最佳城市,。 擁有華美建筑,、南方美食和友好居民的查爾斯頓,絕對是旅行的完美去處,。 |
Filled with historic buildings to marvel at and cobblestone streets to stroll along, it's no wonder Charleston tends to top bucket lists the world over — it was even named the best city in the world by Travel + Leisure in 2016 . Between beautiful architecture, delicious Southern food, and friendly locals, Charleston is the perfect getaway. |
今年年初,,奧蘭多被美國社交財經媒體Wallethub評為美國第二最有樂趣城市,僅次于拉斯維加斯,。 這里有迪士尼世界,、未來世界主題公園和佛羅里達環(huán)球影城,無論你什么時候來,,永遠不會發(fā)愁來了不知道玩什么,。 |
It should be no surprise that Orlando was ranked the second most fun city in the US by Wallethub earlier this year, leaving the lead to Las Vegas. Between Walt Disney World, Epcot, and Universal Studios Florida, you'll never run out of things to do in this city, no matter the time of year. |
納什維爾又是美國著名的"音樂之城",但它的美食也備受吃貨的喜愛,。 納什維爾有兩家餐廳入選了美國網上訂餐平臺OpenTable的2017年百大熱門餐廳排行榜,。Puckett's 5th和Churchand The Southern這兩家餐廳都是品嘗當地佳肴的好去處,。 |
Nashville may be known as the Music City, but it also has a thriving culinary scene that foodies love. The city has two restaurants on OpenTable's list of the 100 hottest restaurants in 2017. Check out Puckett's 5th & Churchand The Southern, which are both known for their delicious twists on local comfort food. |
最讓這片海灘出名的是它超軟的沙灘,,據說99%的成份是碎石英石,。它幾乎每年都雄居全球最佳海灘的榜首。它甚至還被貓途鷹網的"2017年游客選擇獎"評為全美最佳海灘,,并被Dr. Beach網站評為全美十佳海灘,。 |
This beach is famous for its super soft sand, which is 99% pure crushed quartz. It tops lists of the world's best beaches annually, and even won the number one spot on both TripAdvisor's 2017 Travelers' Choice Awards for best beach in the US, and Dr. Beach's ranking of the top 10 beaches in the US. |
西雅圖的太空針塔不日便將在裝修后重新開放,屆時在520英尺高的觀景臺上,,你將能更好地飽覽城市的街景和遠方的雷尼爾山,。這座高達605英尺的摩天大樓是在1962年世博會期間修建的。 |
Take in Seattle's skyline from the Space Needle's 520-foot high observation deck, which will reopen after a renovation that will allow even better views of the city and Mount Rainier in the distance. The 605-foot tall tower was built for the 1962 World's Fair. |
這個景點雖小,,吸引力卻十分強大,。魔術山以其安逸親和的氛圍而聞名——此外它還有十分具有挑戰(zhàn)性的專業(yè)賽道、林間滑雪賽道和所謂"真正的黑鉆石",。 根據滑雪網站liftopia結合數千名冰雪愛好者的反饋評選的"最佳冰雪獎",,魔術山被評為美國第一滑雪勝地,摘得"總體冰雪最佳獎",。受訪者紛紛稱贊它是"東北保護得最好的秘密",、"一座真正滑雪者的山",。 |
Small but mighty, this resort prides itself in its laid back vibe and community feel — as well as its challenging expert trails, tree-skiing, and "real black diamonds." According to Liftopia's latest Best in Snow Awards, which incorporates feedback from thousands of skiers and snowboarders to determine the most popular ski resorts in North America, Magic Mountain is the number one ski resort in the country, taking home the title of "Overall Best in Snow." Those surveyed called it "the best kept secret in the Northeast" and "a true skier's mountain." |
教堂巖是塞多納的一個著名地標,也是亞利桑那州上鏡最多的景點之一,。教堂巖位于雅瓦帕縣的可可尼諾國家森林公園里,,位于亞利桑那州179公路以西約1.6公里。教堂巖的地質構造屬二疊紀施內布利山組,,是古佩德雷戈薩海的海岸沙丘形成的紅床砂巖,。在較低的位置可以明顯看見巖石呈波浪狀起伏,在第一個山口處還能看見一條黑色的玄武巖脈,。 亞利桑那州的塞多納是一個休閑的好去處,,適合任何熱愛戶外的人。這里的瑜伽節(jié)和素食都非常有名,,非常適合那些積極而追求平和的人,。 除了美景之外,塞多納的另一特產是所謂的"能量渦",,不了解的同學可以自行百度,,據說對心靈能量很有好處。 |
Cathedral Rock is a famous landmark on the Sedona, Arizona skyline, and is one of the most-photographed sights in Arizona, USA. Cathedral Rock is located in the Coconino National Forest in Yavapai County, about 1. 6 km west of Arizona Route 179. Geologically, Cathedral Rock is carved from the Permian Schnebly Hill formation, a redbeds sandstone formed from coastal sand dunes near the shoreline of the ancient Pedregosa Sea. Ripple marks are prominent along the lower Cathedral Rock trail, and a black basalt dike may be seen in the first saddle. Sedona, Arizona, is a relaxing vacation destination that's perfect for anyone who loves the outdoors. From a yoga festival to a one celebrating vegetarian- and veganism, Sedona is perfect for an active yet peaceful getaway. Besides beautiful scenery, Sedona is also said to be home to a healing energy vortex, which is known to promote spiritual development. |
據《美國新聞與世界報道》稱,,猶他州的帕克城是冬季的最佳旅行地之一,。不管是滑雪還是探索魅力四射的城市中心,在帕克城里總是有很多事情可做,。 另外,,帕克城離鹽湖城機場只有一小時車程,所以你打算進山旅行的話,,它也是最容易到達的旅行目的地之一,。 |
Park City, Utah, is one of the best winter vacation destinations according to US News and World Report.Whether you hit the slopes or explore the charming downtown, there's plenty to do in Park City. Plus, it's about an hour drive from the Salt Lake City airport, so it's one of the most accessible vacation destinations in the country if you're looking for a getaway to the mountains. |
2017年,毛伊島被《旅游+休閑》雜志評為全球最佳島嶼排行榜的第六名,。島上還有全世界最佳的天然泳池"七圣池"——在當地又名"甌海奧池",。此外這里還有壯觀的黑色沙灘。 如果你還在猶豫的話,,別忘了據說2018年,,飛夏威夷的機票將是最便宜的一年哦! |
Maui was voted the 6th best island in the world by Travel + Leisure in 2017. It is also home to one of the best swimming holes in the world, Seven Sacred Pools at 'Ohe'o, and stunning black sand beaches. If you still need some convincing, 2018 is rumored to be one of the cheapest years to fly to Hawaii so far. |
喬治亞州的薩凡納有全美保存最好的歷史街區(qū),。你可以漫步在鵝卵石鋪就的街道上,,欣賞美麗的歷史建筑,或者乘小船沿河游覽,。 另外,,今年年初,薩凡納還被《康泰納仕旅行者》評為全美最友好的城市之一,游客到了這里都有賓至如歸的感覺,。 |
Savannah, Georgia's, historic district is one of the best preserved in the country. You can spend your days walking on cobblestone streets, admiring beautiful historic homes, or even taking a riverboat ride. An added bonus? Savannah was named one of the friendliest cities in the US by Conde Nast Traveler earlier this year, so tourists will always feel welcome. |
無論是美食,、購物、世界級的博物館還是讓人難以忘懷的各種精彩演出,,紐約永遠不會辜負一個游人,。 從美國人一年一度評選出的《全球50家最佳餐廳排行榜》來看,紐約無疑也是美食家的天堂,。今年,,"麥迪遜公園十一號"(Eleven Madison Park)被評選為全球第一餐廳,它的菜肴無論是烹飪還是品相都無可挑剔,。主廚親自操刀的招牌烤鴨更是不容錯過,。 |
From excellent food to incredible shopping, world class museums and unforgettable shows, New York City is always a good idea. However, it is also home to the world's best restaurant, per a list titled The World's 50 Best Restaurants that comes out annually. Eleven Madison Park was rated number one on the planet this year, thanks to its incredible haute cuisine, and even more incredible presentation of said cuisine. Chef Humm's signature roasted duck is not to be missed. |
杰克遜維爾坐落在佛羅里達州西北部,這座城市可以游覽的地方也不少,,包括幾座動物園和野生動物保護區(qū),。 被當地人昵稱為"杰鎮(zhèn)"的杰克遜維爾也被《孤獨星球》評為2018年最有價值的旅行地之一。你可以到當地的釀酒作坊里品酒,,也可以坐在小船里聽導游講解城市典故,,總之,這座城市能提供的樂趣不少,,消費卻相當親民,。 |
Located in northern Florida, Jacksonville is a city with plenty to offer, including several zoos and wildlife preserves. Jax, as the locals call it, was named as one of the best value places to visit for 2018 by Lonely Planet. From tasting beer at local breweries to going on a guided kayak tour, there are plenty of fun yet affordable activities all over the city. |
本德最出名的有兩樣東西:啤酒和滑雪。 這座俄勒岡小鎮(zhèn)即有極好的滑雪場,,同時人均小釀酒作坊的數量也雄居全美之冠,。本德市還有一條著名的"啤酒街",,你可以沿路喝遍22家釀酒作坊,。不過千萬不要錯過了本德市歷史上的第一家釀酒作坊——德舒特啤酒廠,它的Black Butte Porter啤酒和Mirror Pond Pale Ale淡啤酒都相當有名,。 |
Bend combines the best of two worlds: suds and skiing. The Oregon town is home to a great ski resort, but is also known for having the highest micro-brewery per capita in the United States. Bend also features a beer trail that lets you drink your way across its 22 breweries, but you should start at Bend's original brewery, Deschutes Brewery, which is known for its Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale. |
波士頓是馬薩諸塞州首府和最大城市,,同時也是新英格蘭地區(qū)的最大城市。其城區(qū)占地48平方英里,,據人口普查顯示,,2011年,波士頓的人口約有62.6萬人,,使其成為全美第21大城市,。波士頓也是多所知名大學所在地,這也使它成為了國際高等教育和醫(yī)學的中心,。波士頓一向給人以高度創(chuàng)新的印象,。波士頓的經濟基礎還包括金融、專業(yè)與商業(yè)服務、政府活動等,。 任何熱愛美國歷史的人都不能不來波士頓,。你可以沿著自由之路從波士頓廣場出發(fā),前往憲法號護衛(wèi)艦,,一路踏著革命先賢的足跡,,了解更多關于美國大革命的歷史。 不管你是坐飛機,、火車還是自己開車,,來波士頓旅游都是非常方便的,你可以從容地來這里度個周末,。 |
Boston is the capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the state's largest city and the county seat of Suffolk County in the United States. The largest city in New England, the city proper, covering 48 sq mi had an estimated population of 626,000 in 2011 according to the U.S. Census making it the 21st largest city in the United States. The area's many colleges and universities make Boston an international center of higher education and medicine, and the city is considered highly innovative for a variety of reasons. Boston's economic base also includes finance, professional and business services, and government activities. Boston, Massachusetts, is a must-see destination for anyone who loves American history. Follow the Freedom Trail from Boston Common to the USS Constitution to learn more about the American Revolution at the sites where key events actually happened. Whether you're flying, driving, or traveling by train, Boston is an incredibly accessible city that's manageable enough for a weekend getaway. |
《孤獨星球》將阿什維爾評為去年美國最值行旅行的目的地,。阿什維爾坐落于美麗的藍嶺山下,這座城市有很多戶外活動可以參加,,此外購物,、歷史和藝術也是它的看點。 美國最大的私人住宅比特摩爾莊園也坐落在阿什維爾,。從令人驚嘆的巍峨群山到華美的建筑,,阿什維爾這座低調的城市絕對值得一探。 |
Lonely Planet named Asheville the top US destination to visit last year. Nestled among the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, the city offers plenty of outdoor activities as well as shopping, history, and a thriving arts scene. The city is also home to the Biltmore Estate, which includes the largest privately-owned home in the US. From breathtaking mountains to gorgeous architecture, Asheville is an under-the-radar city worth exploring. |
很多人可能認為,,科羅拉多州最美的季節(jié)是冬季,,然而無論是科羅拉多州還是布雷肯里奇市,其實一年四季都是很美的,。 無論是冬季滑雪,、夏季遠足,還是簡簡單單地做個Spa放松一下,,布雷肯里奇都是理想的目的地,。布雷肯里奇也號稱是全美最健康的縣,這是不是又讓你多了一個一探究竟的理由呢,? |
While many people may think that it's best to visit Colorado during the wintertime, the state, and especially Breckenridge, is beautiful year-round. Whether you're looking for winter skiing, summer hiking, or just a relaxing spa getaway, Breckenridge is the ideal spot. It's also located in the healthiest county in the country, in case you needed another reason to visit. |
從林立的餐館到可口可樂博物館,,亞特蘭大也是一座充滿了游客喜愛的事物的城市。 2018年,,亞特蘭大又將迎來大批體育迷,,因為明年1月8日,全美大學生橄欖球錦標賽的季后賽將在亞特蘭大的梅塞德斯奔馳體育館打響,。 |
From gourmet food halls to a museum dedicated to Coca Cola, Atlanta, Georgia, is home to all kinds of attractions that tourists love. In 2018, Atlanta will become a haven for sports fans, since the city will host the College Football Playoff National Championship on January 8 at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium |
在夏威夷的首府檀香山(火奴魯魯),,你能做的可不只是徜徉在海灘上而已。檀香山被網民評選為全美最具幸福感的城市之一。這里還有好幾座博物館,,如亞利桑那號戰(zhàn)艦紀念館,,以及前夏威夷王朝的王宮——伊奧拉尼宮等。 這座宮殿不僅能帶你領略夏威夷的歷史,,據說還鬧鬼呢,。 | You can do far more than just lounge on the beach in Hawaii's capital city. Honolulu, which was voted one of the happiest cities in the US, is home to several museums, like the USS Arizona Memorial, and the 'Iolani Palace, the former residence of Hawaii's royal family. The palace is not only a fascinating look into Hawaii's history, but it is also said to be haunted. |
24.得克薩斯奧斯汀市 從一句"讓奧斯汀古怪下去吧"的口號上,就能知道奧斯汀是一個很酷的地方,。這里城市雖大,,卻有小鎮(zhèn)一般的氛圍。奧斯汀最出名的是音樂,,著名的"西南偏南"音樂節(jié)就是在這里舉辦的,,另外它也是全食公司的總部所在地。不過奧斯汀最值得稱道的還是它的美食,,有些烤肉店名氣之大,,令食客們不惜排幾個小時的隊;另外奧斯汀的塔可餅也很出名,。 | Austin, Texas With a motto like "keep Austin weird" you know this place is cool. The big city with a small town vibe is known for its music scene, and for being home to the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference and as well as the Whole Foods HQ, but where it really shines is in its culinary scene, which ranges from barbecue that people wait hours in line for to all kinds of tacos. |
海邊小鎮(zhèn)樸茨茅斯充滿了經典的新英格蘭情調,。不管是在鎮(zhèn)子里閑逛,還是坐船瀏覽海港,,你都會產生干脆搬到這里長住的沖動,。 OpenTable評選的全美最浪漫餐廳之一——馬西莫餐廳也位于樸茨茅斯港附近。 |
This town in coastal New Hampshire is full of classic New England charm. Whether you spend your time in Portsmouth strolling the downtown streets to taking a harbor cruise, you'll probably want to move to the city before your trip is over. It's also home to one of OpenTable's most romantic restaurants in the nation—Ristorante Massimo, located near Portsmouth Harbor. |
科羅拉多州的波德市今年早些時候被《國家地理》評選為全美幸福感最強的城市,。這座城市是科羅拉多州立大學波德分校所在地,,這座大學城也有豐富的戶外活動、林立的餐廳和購物場所,。 |
Boulder, Colorado, was named the happiest city in the US earlier this year by National Geographic. It's no wonder, considering that the college town, home to the University of Colorado Boulder, has the perfect combination of outdoor activities, restaurants, and shopping. |
喜愛美國歷史的人必須要去趟費城,。從獨立鐘到國家憲法中心,費城有數不清的歷史名勝等待你去探索,。 當然,,沒轉過費城藝術博物館就不算到過費城。高舉雙手,,你也可以假裝自己就是洛奇。 |
A trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a must for anyone who loves American history. From the Liberty Bell to the National Constitution Center, there are countless historical sites worth exploring. Of course, a trip wouldn't be complete without running up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, raising your hands in the air, and pretending to be "Rocky." |
圣奧古斯丁的歷史可以回溯到1565年,,它也是美國最古老的城市,。當下來這里探索西班牙殖民地風情的建筑和美麗的自然風光正是時候。 |
Saint Augustine's history dates all the way back to 1565, making it the oldest city in the US. But there's no time like the present to explore the city's Spanish-colonial architecture and beautiful natural surroundings. |
作為一座大學城,,麥迪遜好玩的地方也有不少,,比如農家樂、精釀啤酒、湖泊,、騎自行車,、徒步等等,這里的音樂文化也很濃厚,。而且麥迪遜最近還被網民評為美國最佳美食城市之一,。 如果你是《怪獸史萊克》的粉絲,你也可以來此參加在詹姆斯麥迪遜公園舉辦的2018年史萊克大會,,會上所有的東西都與怪獸史萊克相關,。 |
For a college town, Madison, Wisconsin, has a lot to offer: farm-to-table dining, craft beer, lakes, biking and hiking trails, and a buzzing music scene. It was even recently voted one of the best food cities in the US. If you're a "Shrek" superfan, you can also attend the 2018 Shrekfest in James Madison Park that celebrates all things "Shrek." |
懸崖、瀑布,、群山構成的絕世美景,,使位于加州內華達山脈的優(yōu)勝美地國家公園成了全世界最經典的國家公園之一。 如果你之前沒到過那里,,2018年絕對是啟程的好時候,。 |
The granite cliffs, stunning waterfalls, and scenic vistas of Yosemite National Park in California's Sierra Nevada mountains make it one of the most iconic national parks in the world. If you haven't made the trip before, 2018 is the perfect year to knock it off your bucket list. |
美國有很多景色壯美的國家公園,2018年,,你可以將其中的幾座放在你的"愿望清單"里,。 德納里國家公園與保護區(qū)是你領略阿拉斯加美景的最佳去處之一。公園內不僅有北美洲的最高峰,,還有許多戶外活動可以參加,,適合各種類型的游客。 |
With so many amazing national parks in the US, it's worth putting a few on your 2018 travel bucket list. Denali National Park and Preserve is one of the best places to take in the natural beauty of Alaska. The park is not only home to the highest peak in North America, but also tons of other outdoor activities that any type of tourist can enjoy. |
作為美國的首都,,華盛頓也是一個2018年的旅行好去處。華盛頓有不少免費博物館,,還有大片的綠地和蓬勃的美食文化,,不管你以前來過多少次,這座城市總是還有能讓人探索的東西,。 近來華盛頓又開了幾家新博物館,,包括2017年11月剛剛開放的圣經博物館,以及2016年開放的非裔美國人歷史文化博物館等,,后者開館剛剛一年便已大獲好評,。 |
The nation's capital is definitely a great place to visit in 2018. Filled with free museums, an abundance of green spaces, and a booming food scene, there is always something to explore— no matter how many times you've already visited. Some new museums have also opened up recently, including the Museum of the Bible,which opened in November 2017, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which opened in 2016 and has gained a ton of recognition since. |
不管你在什么季節(jié)造訪舊金山,你總是有很多事可以做,,不管是聽演唱會,、參加音樂節(jié)還是看藝術展。 如果你在明年二月來舊金山,,你恰好可以趕上舊金山啤酒周,,品味一下這座城市的精釀啤酒,。夏天的舊金山戶外音樂節(jié)也是一場音樂、美食和喜劇的盛會,,屆時包括Lorde,、Solange、Schoolboy Q和Tove Lo在內的眾多當紅明星都將出席,。(財富中文網) 本文原載于ThisIsInsider.com,。 譯者:賈政景 |
No matter what time of year you visit San Francisco, there are always plenty of things to do, from concerts to festivals to art exhibitions. If you visit in February, you can attend SF Beer Week and explore the city's craft beer scene. In the summertime, San Francisco hosts Outside Lands, a music, food, and comedy festival that hosts a ton of popular artists including Lorde, Solange, Schoolboy Q, and Tove Lo. This article originally appeared on ThisIsInsider.com |