????一位知名電視新聞記者曾經(jīng)告訴我,每個人都會感到緊張。那么就主動采取行動駕馭自己的情緒,。控制緊張心緒,,并將其轉(zhuǎn)化成為正面積極的能量,。此外,我要強調(diào)一點,,想象聽眾們穿著內(nèi)衣這種方法可不管用,。 ????以下是我避免怯場的若干步驟: 1、大聲練習(xí),,反復(fù)練習(xí),。我知道你肯定會說根本排不出時間進行練習(xí)。但其實很簡單,,大聲說出口是能讓你平靜下來的最佳方法,。走進房間關(guān)上門,站好,,充滿激情地開始練習(xí)演講,。如果多練習(xí)幾遍,這些信息就會成為你頭腦中自然而然的東西,。這樣你就不會因為對演講內(nèi)容不熟悉而感到緊張了,。 2、開場白要精彩,,要能鎮(zhèn)得住場面,。無論是一個故事、一段視頻,、還是一個出人意料的論據(jù),,只要你確定自己的開場白很精彩,,能打動聽眾,,都會提升你的自信心。而且,,你也不必死記硬背演講稿,,因為如果忘詞的話會非常麻煩,但記住開場白至關(guān)重要,。我要再次強調(diào),,這種確信的感覺會提升人的自信,。 3、呼吸,。我習(xí)慣進行下面的呼吸練習(xí):吸氣,,數(shù)到五。呼氣,,數(shù)到十,。重復(fù)15次就會對你有鎮(zhèn)靜的效果。在演講開始之前去健身房運動一會兒也能達到同樣的效果,。 4,、想象。可以像職業(yè)運動員那樣,,上臺前在自己的腦子里放一個小電影,,想想自己成功地完成了演講任務(wù)。如果是要在美國職業(yè)籃球賽(NBA)決賽現(xiàn)場罰球,,投籃之前則可以先在頭腦中預(yù)演一遍投出空心球的畫面,。如果是會議主持人即將介紹你上臺演講,可以閉上眼睛幾分鐘,,想象自己充滿自信地大步邁上演講臺,,發(fā)表了一場精彩的演說。在某種意義上,,你一旦這么做了,,你就已經(jīng)“見識過了”,由此,,對未知的恐懼就被盡可能地減小了,。 5、聽眾喜歡你,,聽眾真心喜歡你,。記住,在大多數(shù)情況下,,觀眾是希望你演講成功的,。看著別人在演講臺上陷入窘境是很無趣也很尷尬的事情,。因此要主動想象聽眾是真心希望你能給他們帶來歡樂和教益,,要從這種認(rèn)知中汲取力量。如果碰巧發(fā)現(xiàn)有聽眾在打呵欠,、翻白眼,,或者發(fā)短信,請無視他們,。要跟那些沖你微笑或點頭同意的聽眾進行眼神交匯,。很快你就會信心百倍,。 ????少數(shù)性格外向的幸運兒并不存在這方面的問題。但對大多數(shù)人來說,,就像正確握持高爾夫球九號鐵桿那樣,,成功應(yīng)對怯場是一種后天習(xí)得的技能。對于成功的職業(yè)生涯來說,,公開演講是非常重要的一部分,,值得下功夫去練習(xí)。 ????譯者:李玫曉/汪皓 |
????A well-known TV newsman once told me that everyone gets the butterflies. So show them how to fly in formation. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into positive energy. And no, imagining the audience in their underwear doesn't work. ????Here are the steps I take to avoid getting weak-kneed: 1. Practice out loud. Repeatedly. Yes, I can hear you saying it's impossible to find time in your schedule to do this, but simple out-loud practice is the best way to calm your nerves. Go into a room and shut the door. Stand and deliver the presentation with passion. If you do this several times, the information will become second nature to you, and you won't suffer from the anxiety that comes with not being quite sure where you're headed. 2. Have them at hello with a powerful opening. If you've got a great opening that you know will move your audience -- a story, a visual, an unexpected prop -- it will boost your self-confidence. Also, you don't want to memorize the rest of your presentation -- that can be problematic if you lose your place -- but memorizing the opening is important. Again, the feeling of certainty will boost your confidence. 3. Breathe. I make a habit of the following breathing exercise: Inhale to a count of five. Exhale to a count of 10. Do 15 reps of this and it will have a calming effect. Going to the gym before your presentation works the same way. 4. Visualize. Do as pro athletes do. Play a little movie in your brain of yourself succeeding at the task you're about to perform. If you're at the foul line in the NBA finals, you would envision the ball going nothing-but-net before you take the shot. If you're about to be introduced before your speech at a conference, close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself striding onto the stage with confidence and delivering a performance that makes you and your agenda look good. In a sense, you've "already been there" once you do this, and thus the fear of the unknown is minimized. 5. They like you. They really like you. Remember that, in most situations, the audience wants you to succeed. It's boring and awkward to watch someone dying up there on the stage, so draw strength from the knowledge that the audience is genuinely hoping that you'll entertain and inform. And if you happen to spot audience members who are yawning, rolling their eyes, or texting, to heck with 'em. Make eye contact with someone who's smiling or nodding her head in agreement. Instant confidence booster. ????A few lucky extroverts out there don't have a problem with this. But for most of us, successfully dealing with stage fright is a learned skill, like correctly holding a nine-iron. And since public speaking is such a big part of career success, it's worth your while to slay the demon properly. |