????像湯普森這樣的社會名流公開被人揭短可能會給社會帶來風險,其中之一是,,它可能會讓大眾更加心安理得地合理化自己的可疑行為?!斑@種事讓我們感覺良好,,因為我們的行為與之相比只是小巫見大巫,”漢夫特稱,?!耙虼耍覀兿矚g看到名人或專家垮臺,。這讓我們繼續(xù)活在自己的幻想里,,認為自己的行為依然可以接受?!?/p> ????不過,,這些小小的謊言可能鑄就大錯。慢慢地,,我們可能會習慣于更大的不誠信做法,。因此,不管我們從湯普森風波中學到什么,,我們都不應該幸災樂禍,,因為這種想法可能導致我們在生活中編出更大的騙局。 ????雅虎一位發(fā)言人沒有立即回復尋求置評的請求,。 ????譯者:老榆木 |
????Indeed, one of the dangers of a prominent individual being publicly shamed, as Thompson has been, is that the general public grows more likely to rationalize their own shady behavior. "They make us feel good because it puts our own behavior in perspective," Hanft says. "It's why we love celebrity meltdowns or professional meltdowns. They allow us to continue in our delusion of acceptable behavior." ????However, the little lies can lead to big missteps. They pave the way for us to rationalize larger dishonesty. So whatever we take away from the Thompson episode, we should resist schadenfreude -- it could actually lead us to greater deception in our own lives. ????A spokesperson from Yahoo did not immediately respond to a request for comment. |