如果你也想創(chuàng)業(yè),,卻正愁沒點子,,這里倒是有些能讓你感到安慰的建議:好的點子并不一定非得是什么革命性的東西。 你并不一定非得想出什么能跟亞馬遜,、Paypal或者領英(LinkedIn)相提并論的點子才能開始創(chuàng)業(yè),。實際上,創(chuàng)業(yè)最好是從你已經知道的事物上開始,。 至少GrowthLab.com和IWillTeachYouToBeRich.com的CEO拉米特?塞西是這樣認為的,。他在他的網站上寫道:“你或許很難想象,自己已經有了能賺錢的技能,,但事實就是這樣,。” 塞西認為,,要想知道自己有哪些能賺錢的技能,,你可以先問問自己以下四個問題: 1、你都花錢干過什么,?我們經?;ㄥX買服務,,我們買來的服務里有沒有你能提供的?你能不能把它拿到網上去賣呢,?比如打掃房間,、遛狗、做飯等等,。 2,、你有什么技能?你都懂什么,?有沒有哪方面是你特別懂的,?也就是說,你有沒有哪些技能比較擅長,,如果有的話,,說不定有人會花錢請你去教他們。比如能流利說一門外語,,有編程知識,,做飯做得特別好,等等,。 3,、你的朋友說你擅長什么?我很喜歡這個問題,,因為它不僅能小小地刺激一下你的虛榮心,,而且對人非常有啟發(fā)。比如在朋友的眼中,,你可能擅長健身,,擅長給人戀愛方面的建議,或者有很好的時尚感覺,,等等,。 4、你每周六早上都干什么,?星期六的早上,,當其他人還沒起床的時候,你都在做什么,?這個問題也很有啟發(fā)性,,它能讓你意識到自己對什么最富有激情,你最喜歡把時間花在什么事情上——比如瀏覽時尚網站,、捯飭自己的車子,,看健身相關的貼子等等。 塞西表示:“你現在就可以花十到二十分鐘時間,就上面的四個問題,,各寫下五個答案,。等你寫完了,恭喜你,,你現在已經有了20個潛在的創(chuàng)業(yè)點子,,它們都有可能變成一個很好的副業(yè)?!?/p> 在此前接受《商業(yè)內幕》采訪時,,塞西曾指出,很多想創(chuàng)業(yè)的人最常問的問題,,就是“我想創(chuàng)業(yè)卻沒有點子怎么辦,?”這種想法是有問題的。 他表示:“這種心態(tài)背后存在一種僥幸心理——我在等著一個神奇的點子從天上掉下來,。然而創(chuàng)業(yè)并非這么回事,。如果你想創(chuàng)業(yè),點子需要靠你自己去找,。這個點子并不一定是完美的,,它只是很多點子中的一個?!?/p> 一旦你有了潛在的創(chuàng)業(yè)點子,,你就可以測試一下他們是不是好點子,是不是能掙錢,。總之,,就算靈感的女神還沒有光顧你,,也并不意味著你不能當一個創(chuàng)業(yè)人。(財富中文網) 本文原載于BusinessInsider.com,。 譯者:賈政景 |
If you’re looking for a business idea, here’s some reassuring advice: It doesn’t have to be revolutionary. You don’t have to think up the next Amazon or Paypal or LinkedIn. In fact, the best place to start is with the things you already know. That’s according to GrowthLab and I Will Teach You to Be Rich CEO Ramit Sethi. “I know it’s difficult to imagine that you might have profitable skills already — but you do,” he writes on his site. In his words, here are the four questions you’ll want to ask yourself to isolate said profitable skills: 1. What do you already pay for? We already pay people to do a lot of different things. Can you turn one of those things into your own online business? Examples: Clean your home, walk your pet, cook your meals, etc. 2. What skills do you have? Now, what do you know — and know well? These are the skills you have that you’re great at — and people want to pay you to teach them. Examples: Fluency in a foreign language, programming knowledge, cooking skills, etc. 3. What do your friends say you’re great at? I love this question. Not only can it be a nice little ego boost — but it can also be incredibly revealing. Examples: Workout routines, relationship advice, great fashion sense, etc. 4. What do you do on a Saturday morning? What do you do on a Saturday morning before everyone else is awake? This can be incredibly revealing to what you’re passionate about and what you like to spend your time on. Examples: Browsing fashion websites, working on your car, reading fitness subreddits, etc. “Spend about 10 – 20 minutes now writing down five answers for each of the four questions above,” he writes. “Once you’re done, congratulations — you now have 20 potential business ideas that you can grow into a flourishing side hustle.” In a previous interview with Business Insider, Sethi said that “What if Ijust don’t have any ideas for a business?” is the most common question he gets from aspiring entrepreneurs, and that it’s flawed. “What’s the assumption behind it?” he asked. “The assumption is ‘I’m waiting for a magical idea to fall down from the sky.’ And that’s not how it works. If you want to start a business, you find an idea. And it’s not the perfect idea; it’s one of many.” Once you start generating potential ideas, then you can test them to see if they’re any good, and if they’ll make any money. But, Sethi says, just because you haven’t been struck with inspiration doesn’t mean you can’t start a business. |