你記憶中的9月是不是削尖的鉛筆,還有一大堆新書,?現在至少還有新書可以期待,本文將推薦一批頗受期待的非虛構類商業(yè)和新聞作品,,今年秋天即將問世,。 《超級興奮:Uber之戰(zhàn)》(Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber) 作者:邁克·艾薩克(Mike Isaac) 9月3日發(fā)售 已有人宣稱《超級興奮》一書堪稱今年版的《壞血 : 一個硅谷巨頭的秘密與謊言》,勞工節(jié)一結束科技圈粉絲就要立刻讀起來,。本書作者是科技記者邁克·艾薩克,他在《紐約時報》工作時曾負責報道網約車公司Uber,,也深入探討了Uber后來會突然崩潰(在某些方面崩潰仍在繼續(xù)),。在硅谷,文化不正的公司,、錯位的信任、夸大的評價和不良行為向來不少,。但作者深度挖掘,,采訪了100多名現任和前任員工后最新寫下的本書顯示,Uber無疑是其中的典型代表,。從這方面來說,,《超級興奮》可能不僅是《壞血》續(xù)篇,也算得上《社交網絡》續(xù)集,。 《邁克爾·布隆伯格的多面生活》(The Many Lives of Michael Bloomberg) 作者:埃莉諾·蘭道夫(Eleanor Randolph) 9月10日發(fā)售 如果貓有九條命,可以說邁克爾·布隆伯格的事業(yè)也有九條命,。 本書當中,,《紐約時報》資深記者埃莉諾·蘭道夫前所未有地介紹了布隆伯格,這位美國最富有(相對而言)也最內斂的名人生活圈,。蘭道夫研究了這位大亨扮演的許多角色,,包括(但不限于)商人、開拓者,、政治家、慈善家和(最近的)活動家,。至于他最偉大的成就,,至少從金融和媒體的角度來看,仍然可以說是1982年推出彭博終端機,。 但是,,布隆伯格也創(chuàng)造了史無前例三次擔任紐約市長的紀錄,經歷了紐約遭逢9/11事件,,到之后的經濟大衰退,,還有房地產交易(無論好壞)驚人增長,哈德遜河和東河沿岸的土地上遍布數十座新的豪華高層建筑和摩天大樓,。雖然布隆伯格可能不會擠進去參與民主黨總統(tǒng)初選,但蘭道夫的新書為《出版商周刊》描述“布隆伯格的富豪統(tǒng)治”提供了例證,。 《理想主義者的教育:回憶錄》(The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir) 作者:薩曼莎·鮑爾(Samantha Power) 9月10日發(fā)售 身處參選率“成功”的門檻仍然極低的時代,,普利策獎得主薩曼莎·鮑爾在書中提醒我們,一個人仍然可以有所作為,。 新回憶錄中,鮑爾從都柏林的童年講起,,然后到飽受戰(zhàn)爭蹂躪的波斯尼亞的街道,一直到白宮戰(zhàn)情室,,中間夾雜著講述了兩個孩子的故事?,F在人們總在反省當美國人的意義,,鮑爾的職業(yè)生涯就展示了一段相當能代表美國人的歷程:從移民到白宮官員,曾在前總統(tǒng)奧巴馬政府擔任人權顧問四年,,2013年成為最年輕的美國駐聯(lián)合國大使,。 盡管對于美國許多移民來說,形勢變得十分嚴峻,,但鮑爾仍然很樂觀,、偶爾幽默,,是的,甚至有點理想主義,,她告訴讀者要保持內心的善良,,對政治形勢保持批判性,或者說更明確的判斷,。 《全世界最壯觀的餐廳:雙子塔,、世界之窗和紐約的重生》(The Most Spectacular Restaurant in the World: The Twin Towers, Windows on the World, and the Rebirth of New York) 作者:湯姆·羅斯頓(Tom Roston) 9月10日發(fā)售 2001年9月11日之前的世界之窗餐廳,,無論是比喻意義還是字面上都身處美國高級餐飲之巔,,收入和海拔在全美都是最高的飯店之一,位置在當年世貿中心北塔107層,。本書不僅僅介紹了餐廳,,更是150年來美食的進化史,這段歷史包括20世紀后半葉紐約經歷跌宕起伏之后,,紐約餐廳文化如何出現。熟悉的人物當中包括作家詹姆斯·比爾德,、大廚雅克·佩平和美食記者蓋爾·格林,,他們不僅是餐飲界的開拓者,也對離地近四分之一英里的高空中搭建精致餐飲設施發(fā)揮過關鍵作用,。 雖然很多人都在努力恢復當年的世界之窗餐廳,其中有一位推動力格外強大:其實“餐廳老板”這個詞出現之前,,喬·鮑姆就已從事該行業(yè),,遠在丹尼·邁耶,、大衛(wèi)·程和莉迪亞·巴斯蒂亞尼奇等人在曼哈特建立各自的帝國,,跟著成為餐廳老板之前,。鮑姆還經常對下屬(和同事)大聲發(fā)號施令,,速度非??欤曇粢埠艽?,連戈登·拉姆齊都無法想象,。然而,如果沒有鮑姆對細節(jié)的極度關注,,完美主義的要求,,以及餐廳的體驗跟食物一樣重要的堅定信念,,很難想象世界之窗能有機會成功。 《人生旅程:擔任迪士尼首席執(zhí)行官15年的經驗教訓》(The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned From 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company) 作者:鮑勃·艾格(Bob Iger) 9月23日發(fā)售 除了迪士尼,,好萊塢還有賺錢的電影公司嗎,?答案很簡單:沒有。其中很大一部分要歸功于迪斯尼現任首席執(zhí)行官鮑勃·艾格任期內多筆收購和創(chuàng)造性決策。收購漫威,、盧卡斯營業(yè)和皮克斯都大獲成功,而且還將產品拓展到電影之外,,進入主題公園,、流媒體新節(jié)目,還有不斷出售的商品,,艾格的受歡迎程度與日俱升,,甚至有謠言稱他應該競選總統(tǒng),。(不過他不會的,至少本輪競選他不會參加,。)迪士尼股東可能松了一口氣,,尤其是今年秋天迪士尼還打算推出對標競爭對手Netflix的平臺Disney+。不用說,,如果你希望向大師資訊商業(yè)建議,找艾格就對了,,讀這本準沒錯,。 《如何掀起革命》(How to Start a Revolution) 作者:勞倫·杜卡(Lauren Duca) 9月24日發(fā)售 在前主編伊萊恩·韋爾特羅斯的包容性編輯指導方針下,2016年勞倫·杜卡在《青少年時尚》雜志上發(fā)表有關特朗普競選的文章爆紅,,也將“裝神弄鬼”及背后涵義推到了全國話題最前沿。 如今在《如何掀起革命》一書中,,杜卡通過第一人稱的調查,追溯了千禧一代和Z一代如何在短短兩年內從疏遠政治(或被描述為冷漠或懶惰)到積極參與其中,。目標是:重新構想公平的民主制度同時,,找出政治制度問題重重的根源。杜卡的意見,,首先要確保年輕人參與。 《接受自己的怪異之處:直面恐懼并釋放創(chuàng)造力》(Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity) 作者:費利西亞·戴伊 10月1日發(fā)售 該書是暢銷回憶錄《你在互聯(lián)網上(幾乎)從不怪異》的后續(xù),,作者費利西亞·戴伊身為女演員,、作家和社交媒體寵兒,用坦率但別具一格的(總是很好笑的)個性講述個人軼事,,為尋找和重新點燃創(chuàng)意激情提供了實踐指南,。戴伊并不回避消極的記憶和經歷,在處理焦慮,、面對失敗的恐懼和建設性(或不那么建設性)批評方面讓人感同身受。(企業(yè)家,、創(chuàng)業(yè)者,、年輕的專業(yè)人士和富有創(chuàng)造力的專業(yè)人士很適合讀一讀這本書。) 這本新書有些像日記體,,有些部分又類似創(chuàng)作工作手冊,戴鼓勵讀者探索自身的“英雄自我”,,而且提醒讀者怪異一點也沒問題,,不妨將問題拋諸腦后,還建議把怪異的個性“當成特異功能使用”,。 《粗魯的愛:我如何爭取值得的機會》(Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity) 作者:蘇珊·賴斯(Susan Rice) 10月8日發(fā)售 鑒于當前兩極分化的政治氣候,,人們對奧巴馬政府前國家安全顧問蘇珊·賴斯的了解或看法可能完全取決于自身所屬的政黨,。 不過,這本美國駐聯(lián)合國前大使賴斯的回憶錄中,,她也分享了小時候全家如何在華盛頓艱難生活,,也分享了影響自己的遺產。賴斯認為自己在“粗魯的愛”中長大,,反思了如此成長環(huán)境如何影響她作為非裔美國女性在政治和外交圈里競爭并且表現卓越,,畢竟不管是政治還是外交領域里,,有色人種特別是有色人種女性實在太少。 賴斯還從內部視角講述了在克林頓和奧巴馬政府任職期間,,遇到的一些復雜重要的事件,,其中包括(但不限于):索馬里的“黑鷹墜落”危機、盧旺達的種族滅絕,、上世紀90年代末東非大使館爆炸事件、埃博拉疫情,,美國和古巴關系升溫,,愛德華·斯諾登泄密事件、2012年致命的利比亞(又名班加西)事件,、美國對俄羅斯干預2016年大選的反應,,以及過渡向特朗普政府的超現實主義感覺等。 《開拓者:商業(yè)作為變革最大平臺的力量》(Trailblazer: The Power of Business as the Greatest Platform for Change) 作者:馬克·貝尼奧夫(Marc Benioff) 10月15日發(fā)售 很少有科技公司現任領導能像Salesforce聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼聯(lián)席首席執(zhí)行官馬克·貝尼奧夫一樣坦率直言,。當公眾熱烈討論貧富差距,城市街道上的“排便危機”,,以及技術中心(也是貝尼奧夫的家鄉(xiāng))舊金山有許多人生活水平下降,,公司領袖們卻縮在相對很小的圈子里。 最近貝尼奧夫建議,,從家里開始改變,,工作場所也要改,。貝尼奧夫認為,根據這家云軟件巨頭的口頭禪,,應該從頂層開始建立企業(yè)文化,,不僅要理解變革,也要接受并鼓勵員工成為“變革踐行者”,。 《介意我取消嗎,?(讓我惱火的事情)》(Do You Mind If I Cancel? 【Things That Still Annoy Me】) 作者:加里·詹內蒂(Gary Janetti) 10月22日發(fā)售 這本書可能是榜單上最容易讀的一本,一些互聯(lián)網用戶,,尤其是熱愛娛樂新聞和王室消息的人們對加里·詹內蒂的Instagram帳戶可能已經很熟悉,。他曾在該帳戶中冒充時髦版的英國喬治王子。作為好萊塢的編劇和制片人,,他的日常工作要嚴肅一點(而且能賺不少錢)。他的作品包括擔任《威爾與格蕾絲》執(zhí)行制片人,,以及為《惡搞之家》和英國情景喜劇《極品基老伴》撰寫劇本,,《極品基老伴》在美國也收獲了一幫鐵粉。說到底,,詹內蒂確實很懂喜劇,書粉可以通過詹內蒂的幽默講述了解他早期混跡娛樂圈的經歷,。作者表示:“都是些我童年和年輕時寫的文章,,主要寫讓我煩惱至今的事,。” 《行為體現本性:如何打造商業(yè)文化》(What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture) 作者:本·霍洛維茨(Ben Horowitz),,亨利·路易斯·蓋茨(Henry Louis Gates)作序 10月29日發(fā)售 作者本·霍洛維茨的名字是硅谷沙山路上重要的風險投資公司安德森·霍洛維茨名稱的一半,,他確實可能有一些很棒的商業(yè)建議。但在《行為體現本性》一書中,,這位風險資本家并沒有教讀者如何創(chuàng)辦公司,而是提醒人們創(chuàng)業(yè)之后的行為對成功和今后的傳承同樣重要,。 霍洛維茨結合了歷史和現代公司的最佳實踐,,指導高管打造既能共富貴也能同患難的企業(yè)文化。相關案例包括研究海地唯一獲得成功的奴隸起義領袖圖?!けR武圖爾,建立世界最大帝國的成吉思汗,,以及經營最強大監(jiān)獄團伙且改變監(jiān)獄文化的殺人犯沙卡·森戈爾,。也有一些更接近現代(也沒那么極端)的領導案例可以分析:麥當勞第一位非裔美國首席執(zhí)行官唐·湯普森;前國務卿,、民主黨總統(tǒng)候選人希拉里·克林頓;以及Uber前首席執(zhí)行官特拉維斯·卡蘭尼克,,不過卡蘭尼克的案例可能更適合解釋公司極盛時不該做什么,。 《兩位教皇:弗朗西斯、本尼迪克特,,還有震撼世界的決定》(The Two Popes: Francis, Benedict, and the Decision That Shook the World) 作者:安東尼·麥卡頓(Anthony McCarten) 11月26日發(fā)售 2013年紅衣主教團在西斯廷教堂投票后,梵蒂岡終于冒出白煙,。新任教皇方濟各創(chuàng)造了多項歷史,。他出生于阿根廷,,原名豪爾赫·馬里奧·貝爾格里奧,,是1200年來第一位非歐洲籍的教皇,,更不用說第一位來自南美的教皇,。方濟各在女性,、有色人種和LGBTQ性少數人群的問題上更加激進,,引發(fā)了一股浪潮,,Twitter上很多全球各地的粉絲稱他為第一位“酷”教皇,。(與此同時,,應對全球天主教會兒童性虐丑聞猖獗方面,,他顯然很保守,而且一直很保守,。) 前任教皇本篤十六世主動退位后,方濟各還擔任天主教信仰領袖,。本篤十六世也是700年第一位主動退位的教皇,。 安東尼·麥卡頓正為下一部傳記片做準備,此前他因《萬物理論》和《至暗時刻》榮獲奧斯卡獎最佳編劇獎提名,。他打算將兩個人的歷史交織呈現:一位在納粹德國長大,另一位曾坐公共汽車前往布宜諾斯艾利斯工作。麥卡頓想回答很多問題,,比如登上教皇之位需要多年勤勉工作,,還要經過復雜的政治運作,,為什么有人愿意主動退位,,以及明知繼任者可能破壞遺產時要采取哪些措施。(財富中文網) 譯者:馮豐 審校:夏林 |
If September brings back nostalgic memories of freshly sharpened pencils and plenty of new books, then you can still look forward to the latter with this list of some of the most anticipated nonfiction works on business and journalism being published this fall. Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber, by Mike Isaac Available Sept. 3 Already being heralded as this year’s Bad Blood, Super Pumped is a title techies will need to brace themselves for straight out of the gate after Labor Day. After covering ride-sharing company Uber as his beat assignment for the New York Times, technology correspondent Mike Isaac took an extended leave to dive deeper into just how and why Uber imploded the way it did (and continues to, in some areas). There is no shortage of stories of toxic workplaces, misplaced trust, inflated evaluations, and bad behavior in Silicon Valley these days. But Uber surely takes first place, according to this latest in-depth account, based on more than 100 interviews with current and past employees. In that regard, Super Pumped might not just be the next Bad Blood but also the treatment for the next Social Network. The Many Lives of Michael Bloomberg, by Eleanor Randolph Available Sept. 10 If cats have nine lives, then Michael Bloomberg is on his way there in terms of careers. Veteran New York Times reporter Eleanor Randolph demonstrates unprecedented access to the circle of one of the wealthiest and (relatively) most-private public figures in the country. Randolph studies the tycoon in a number of roles he has filled, including (but not limited to) businessman, trailblazer, politician, philanthropist, and (more recently) activist. His greatest achievement—at least from a financial and media perspective, is still arguably the 1982 introduction of his Bloomberg Terminals. But Bloomberg also made history for an unprecedented three terms as mayor of New York City, picking up the baton in an immediate–post 9/11 New York through the Great Recession and (for better or worse) an astronomic rise in real estate deals, dotting the land along the Hudson and East rivers with dozens of new luxury high-rises and skyscrapers. While Bloomberg may not have thrown his hat into the very crowded ring that is the Democratic presidential primary race, Randolph makes a case for what Publishers Weekly described as “Bloomberg’s brand of plutocracy.” The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir, by Samantha Power Available Sept. 10 In an age in which the bar for a “successful” voter turnout is still abysmally low, Pulitzer Prize winner Samantha Power is here to remind us that one person can still make a difference. In her new memoir, Power transports us from her childhood in Dublin to the streets of war-torn Bosnia to the White House Situation Room—all while juggling two young children somewhere along the way. And these days, as we are constantly reexamining what it means to be an American, Power’s career demonstrates what is arguably the most American journey: from immigrant to White House official, serving as former President Barack Obama’s human rights adviser for four years, later becoming the youngest American to ever serve as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in 2013. And despite how dire the situation has become for many immigrants nationwide, Power maintains an optimistic, sometimes even humorous, outlook—yes, even an idealist one—telling readers to keep kindness in their hearts while maintaining a clearer—if not critical—eye on the political landscape. The Most Spectacular Restaurant in the World: The Twin Towers, Windows on the World, and the Rebirth of New York, by Tom Roston Available Sept. 10 Before Sept. 11, 2001, the Windows on the World restaurant was both figuratively and literally at the pinnacle of fine dining in America, both one of the highest-grossing restaurants nationwide and one of the loftiest, sitting on the 107th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. This isn’t an account of just the restaurant itself but a history of fine dining over the past 150 years, rooted in the emergence of New York’s restaurant culture, following the ebbs and flows of the city’s own tumultuous history over the second half of the 20th century. Among the familiar characters are author James Beard, chef Jacques Pepin, and food scribe Gael Greene—figures who were not only trailblazers in the culinary world, but were also consequential to the establishment of a fine-dining fixture nearly a quarter of a mile in the sky. And while it took many people to make Windows on the World the restaurant that it was, one person stands out as the driving force: Joe Baum was a restaurateur before the term was ever coined—well before the likes of Danny Meyer, David Cheng, and Lidia Bastianich built their own empires in Manhattan (and beyond) and took the title for themselves. Baum was also barking orders at subordinates (and colleagues) faster and louder than you could imagine even Gordon Ramsay doing. And yet it’s difficult to imagine Windows on the World ever being possible without Baum’s overly acute attention to detail, perfectionist demands, and firm belief that the experience of a restaurant was just as important as the food it serves. The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned From 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company, by Bob Iger Available Sept. 23 Is there any studio in Hollywood making money besides Disney? The easy answer is simple: No. And a large part of that is thanks to many of the acquisitions and creative decisions made during the tenure of current Disney CEO Bob Iger. Between the successes of buying Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Pixar—not to mention growing those entities beyond movies but out to the theme parks, new streaming shows, and a never-ending flow of merchandizing—Iger has grown so popular that there were even murmurs he should run for President. (He’s not—at least not this election cycle.) That’s probably a relief for Disney shareholders, especially as the Mouse House prepares to roll out its Netflix rival, Disney+, this fall. Needless to say, if you’re an apprentice looking toward a master for business advice, Iger is your guy, and this is your book. How to Start a Revolution, by Lauren Duca Available Sept. 24 Under the inclusive editorial direction of former editor-in-chief Elaine Welteroth, Lauren Duca brought the term “gaslighting” and everything it entails to the forefront of the national conversation when her Teen Vogue article about the Trump campaign went viral in 2016. Now, in How to Start a Revolution, Duca traces through a first-person examination as to how millennials and Generation Z went from being considered politically alienated (or described as apathetic or lazy) to engaged in just two years. The goal: to identify the root of our ailing political system while reimagining what an equitable democracy would look like. According to Duca, that begins by ensuring young people are involved. Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity, by Felicia Day Available Oct. 1 In the follow-up to her bestselling memoir, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost), actress, writer, and social media darling Felicia Day doles out personal anecdotes with frank but refreshing (and always droll) personality, resulting in a hands-on guide to finding and rekindling creative passions. Day doesn’t shy away from the negative memories and experiencing, making for an empathetic read in dealing with anxiety, fear of failure, and constructive (or not so constructive) criticism. (Entrepreneurs, startup founders, young professionals, and creative professionals would be wise to pick this book up.) In her part guided journal, part imaginative workbook, Day encourages readers to discover their “hero selves,” reminding readers that yes, it’s okay to be weird, flipping that on its head and proposing that weirdness can be “wielded as a superpower.” Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For, by Susan Rice Available Oct. 8 Given our polarizing political climate, one’s knowledge or opinion of Susan Rice—the former national security adviser to President Barack Obama—could very well rely on one’s political party. But in this memoir from the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Rice shares the family struggles that shaped her early life in Washington, D.C., simultaneously with the ancestral legacies that influenced her. Positing she was raised with “tough love,” Rice reflects on how that influenced her to compete and excel as an African-American woman in political and diplomatic circles—settings where people of color, especially women of color, are so few. Rice also provides an insider’s account of some of the most complex and notable events faced during her tenure in both the Clinton and Obama administrations, including (but not limited to): the “Black Hawk Down” crisis in Somalia, the genocide in Rwanda, the East Africa embassy bombings in the late 1990s, the Ebola epidemic, the warming of relations between the U.S. and Cuba, the fallout from Edward Snowden’s leaks, the deadly 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya (a.k.a. Benghazi), the U.S. response to Russian interference in the 2016 election, and the surreal transition to the Trump administration. Trailblazer: The Power of Business as the Greatest Platform for Change, by Marc Benioff Available Oct. 15 Few current tech CEOs have been as outspoken as Salesforce cofounder and co-CEO Marc Benioff. That group drops to a relative circle of one when it comes to vehemently publicly addressing the wealth gap, the “defecation crisis” on city streets, and the deterioration of the standard of living for many in the epicenter of the tech industry (and his hometown): San Francisco. In his latest work, Benioff suggests change starts at home—or even in the workplace. Based on the mantras of the cloud-software giant, Benioff argues it also starts at the top by building a corporate culture that not only understands change but also embraces and encourages its employees to be “agents of change” themselves. Do You Mind If I Cancel? (Things That Still Annoy Me), by Gary Janetti Available Oct. 22 Perhaps the lightest entry on this list, a certain subset of Internet users—notably entertainment news and Royals enthusiasts—are probably most familiar with Gary Janetti’s Instagram account in which he impersonates a sassy version of Britain’s Prince George. His day job is a bit more serious (and lucrative) as a Hollywood writer and producer. Credits include serving as the executive producer of Will and Grace along with writing for Family Guy and British sitcom Vicious, which has developed a cult following of its own in the United States. All of that said, Janetti knows comedy, and now book lovers will reap the rewards with wickedly hilarious accounts of Janetti’s early years in the entertainment industry. According to the writer: “These are essays from my childhood and young adulthood about things that still annoy me.” What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture, by Ben Horowitz, with a foreword from Henry Louis Gates Available Oct. 29 As one-half of the eponym to Sand Hill Road’s cornerstone venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, Ben Horowitz probably has some good business advice. But in What You Do Is Who You Are, the venture capitalist isn’t here just to dole out how to start a company but rather to remind you that what you do with it later is just as important to both your success and your legacy. Horowitz combines lessons from history and from modern organizations’ best practices to guide executives as to how they should build company cultures that can weather both good and bad times. These case studies range from studying Haiti’s Toussaint Louverture, the leader of the only successful slave revolt; Genghis Khan, who built the world’s largest empire; and Shaka Senghor, a convicted murderer who ran the most formidable prison gang, transforming prison culture. As for more recent (and less extreme) leadership examples to dissect: Don Thompson, the first African-American CEO of McDonald’s; former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; and former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick—perhaps in a lesson what not to do after your company shoots to the top. The Two Popes: Francis, Benedict, and the Decision That Shook the World, by Anthony McCarten Available Nov. 26 Pope Francis made history in more ways than one when the white smoke rose from the Vatican after the College of Cardinals cast their most recent vote in the Sistine Chapel in 2013. The Argentine-born cleric formerly known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio was the first non-European Pope in 1,200 years—not to mention the first from South America. Francis has made waves for being more progressive on issues regarding women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community, prompting many Twitter followers worldwide to dub him the first “cool” Pope. (Simultaneously, he has been noticeably conservative and more of the same when it comes to responding to sexual abuse of children rampant throughout the Catholic Church worldwide.) Francis is also serving as the leader of Catholic faith after his predecessor—Pope Benedict XVI—willingly vacated his post—the first by a sitting Pope in 700 years. Setting up the treatment for his next biopic, Anthony McCarten, the Academy Award–nominated screenwriter of The Theory of Everything and The Darkest Hour, weaves together the histories of both men: one growing up in Nazi Germany and the other who used to ride the bus to work in Buenos Aires. McCarten sets out to address many questions, including why anyone would walk away from the seat of St. Peter, considering the ambitious career and political machinations it takes to get there—and what it must take to do that knowing your successor will most likely undo your legacy. |