財富中文網(wǎng) 2014-01-24 01:00Know the true value of time. Snatch it, seize it, enjoy every minute of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination – never put off till tomorro...
《財富》(中文版) 2015-11-03 01:00News is the first rough draft of history.——菲利普·格雷厄姆(Philip L. Graham,,美國報業(yè)出版人) ...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2016-10-29 01:00News is the first rough draft of history.——菲利普·格雷厄姆(Philip L. Graham,,美國報業(yè)出版人) ...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2017-03-08 01:00A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself i...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2016-11-17 01:00A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself i...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2015-07-09 01:00A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself i...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2013-08-12 01:00The more we can anticipate and prepare for a new normal, the better off we’ll be.——凱瑟琳?霍珀(Catherine Hooper,,美國Black Umbrella公司創(chuàng)始人) ...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2012-05-21 01:00Resilient people are those who have a plan.——凱瑟琳·霍珀(Catherine Hooper,,美國Black Umbrella公司運營總監(jiān)) ...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2013-09-02 01:00To be a good CEO, in order to be liked in the long run, you must do many things that will upset people in the short run, unnatural things.——本·霍羅維茨(Ben...
《財富》中文版 2012-08-24 01:00They always say time changes things , but you actually have to change them yourself.——安迪?霍沃爾(Andy Warhol,,美國藝術家) ...