
  • 5月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-05-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞bounce中文釋義離開(動詞,,當(dāng)代俚語)英文釋義(verb, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) To leave a place where one has been for a short period of time; to depart.例句EXAMPLE: Alway...

  • 4月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-04-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞surefire中文釋義一定會發(fā)生的(形容詞,,非正式)英文釋義(adjective, INFORMAL) Certain to succeed; completely reliable; unable to fail.例句EXAMPLE: Having won every game ...

  • 3月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-03-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞hockshop中文釋義當(dāng)鋪英文釋義(noun) A business in which an object can be temporarily exchanged for an immediate loan of cash; the object can be retrieved...

  • 2月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-02-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞multiplex中文釋義多廳影院(名詞)英文釋義(noun) An entertainment building complex showing multiple films in multiple small theaters at the same time.例句EXAMPLE...

  • 1月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2011-01-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞corroborate [k?'r?b?reit]中文釋義證實(shí)(動詞)英文釋義(verb) To provide evidence in support of what someone claims to be true.例句EXAMPLE:Our market research c...

  • 3月18日商務(wù)英語

    財(cái)富中文網(wǎng) 2009-03-18 08:01

    今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句plague困擾(動詞)(verb) To make many serious and costly problems; to trouble constantlyEXAMPLE: After the annual rains started, numerous t...

  • 8月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2010-08-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞cineaste['sini,?st]中文釋義電影迷英文釋義(noun) A lover of movies and filmmaking. (FRENCH blend of “cinema” and “enthusiaste”)例句EXAMPLE: My friend is a d...

  • 6月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2010-06-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞lackluster中文釋義乏味的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Lacking vitality or brilliance, usually because of a lack of effort. (NOTE: British spelling: lacklustre...

  • 5月18日商務(wù)英語

    《財(cái)富》(中文版) 2010-05-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞huddle ['h?dl]中文釋義開短會(動詞)英文釋義(verb) To gather people in a group for a very brief, private meeting.例句EXAMPLE: The members of our sales departme...

  • 3月18日商務(wù)英語

    財(cái)富中文網(wǎng) 2010-03-18 08:00

    今日單詞:單詞undaunted[,?n'd?:ntid]中文釋義無畏的,勇敢的(形容詞)英文釋義(adjective) Undiscouraged; persistently courageous; resolute. (NOTE: always usedin negative form)例句E...
