美國紐約市的市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)表示,,如果該市得不到大量的補給,,將不得不在1月21日后關閉疫苗接種點。
和許多地方和州級官員一樣,,白思豪也在呼吁聯邦政府給他們分配更多的疫苗。當選總統(tǒng)喬?拜登已經承諾,,在他上任后的100天內將加快疫苗部署,,使上億美國人都可以接種。紐約州州長安德魯?庫莫在1月18日表示,,他詢問過輝瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.),,是否能夠直接向該公司購買疫苗,因為美國政府無法追加供應,。
庫莫在致輝瑞首席執(zhí)行官艾伯樂(Albert Bourla)的一封信中說,,美國疾病控制與預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)建議,將有資格接種疫苗的紐約人從500萬擴大到700多萬,。但同時,,該中心并沒有增加(某種程度上還減少了)各州的疫苗供給。紐約在本周將得到25萬劑,,比上周少了5萬劑,。照這樣的速度,要花費七個月才可以給那些有資格的人完成接種,。
紐約市正在每周7天、24小時晝夜不停歇地在皇后區(qū)的花旗球場(Citi Field)和布朗克斯區(qū)的洋基體育場(Yankee Stadium)接種點提供大規(guī)模的疫苗注射,。白思豪說:“接種點的容量一直在擴大,,但是如果沒有疫苗供應,接種點就毫無意義,?!?/p>
美國紐約市的市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)表示,,如果該市得不到大量的補給,,將不得不在1月21日后關閉疫苗接種點。
和許多地方和州級官員一樣,,白思豪也在呼吁聯邦政府給他們分配更多的疫苗。當選總統(tǒng)喬?拜登已經承諾,,在他上任后的100天內將加快疫苗部署,,使上億美國人都可以接種。紐約州州長安德魯?庫莫在1月18日表示,,他詢問過輝瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.),,是否能夠直接向該公司購買疫苗,因為美國政府無法追加供應,。
庫莫在致輝瑞首席執(zhí)行官艾伯樂(Albert Bourla)的一封信中說,,美國疾病控制與預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)建議,將有資格接種疫苗的紐約人從500萬擴大到700多萬,。但同時,,該中心并沒有增加(某種程度上還減少了)各州的疫苗供給,。紐約在本周將得到25萬劑,比上周少了5萬劑,。照這樣的速度,,要花費七個月才可以給那些有資格的人完成接種。
紐約市正在每周7天、24小時晝夜不停歇地在皇后區(qū)的花旗球場(Citi Field)和布朗克斯區(qū)的洋基體育場(Yankee Stadium)接種點提供大規(guī)模的疫苗注射,。白思豪說:“接種點的容量一直在擴大,,但是如果沒有疫苗供應,接種點就毫無意義,?!?/p>
New York City will have to close vaccination sites after January 21 if it doesn’t get a major resupply, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
The city wants to vaccinate 300,000 people this week but has only about 92,000 doses, de Blasio said in a January 19 briefing. More than 450,000 doses have been in administered in New York.
The mayor said official tallies that show more ample supplies are flawed, and that in fact a crisis impends.
“At this rate, we will run out on January 21 and hit zero on January 22,” de Blasio said. “We will not be able to give shots at a lot of our sites. We won’t get shots until next week.”
De Blasio joins a chorus of local and state officials calling on the federal government to disburse more doses. President-elect Joe Biden has pledged to speed up the vaccine rollout and inoculate 100 million Americans in his first 100 days in office. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 18 said he asked Pfizer Inc. whether the state could buy vaccines directly from the company because the U.S. government has failed to increase supply.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended expanding eligibility to more than 7 million New Yorkers from 5 million “practically overnight,” Cuomo said Monday in a letter to Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla. At the same time, the CDC hasn’t increased -- and in some cases reduced -- the supply to states. New York will get 250,000 doses this week, 50,000 fewer than last week. At that rate, inoculating those eligible would take seven months, Cuomo said.
Pfizer is supplying the federal government with 200 million doses. The company said it hasn’t considered direct sales to state governments and would need approval from the federal government to do so.
Meanwhile, the virus rages on. New York City had 3,449 hospitalized Covid-19 patients on January 17, the highest level since mid-May, according to state data. The seven-day average of newly reported Covid-19 cases fell for the 10th consecutive day, to 5,009 cases, down from a peak of 6,372 on Jan. 8. The rate of positive test results dropped to 8.23%, the lowest since Dec. 27. That level is still above the public-health safety threshold of 5%.
New York City is bringing on massive vaccination sites that will be operating around the clock, seven days a week at Citi Field in Queens and Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. “Capacity is growing every day, but it won’t work without the vaccine,” de Blasio said.
The warnings about dwindling supplies stand in contrast to city data that says about half of New York City’s stock remains unused. New York has administered 455,737 out of 876,550 doses delivered, according to its immunization registry. In television appearances over the weekend, de Blasio attributed the discrepancy to reporting delays and a lag in administering doses reserved for nursing home facilities by a program run by the federal government.
New York state data, which strips out shots reserved for nursing homes, said New York City has administered 69% of the doses it’s received.