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《美國醫(yī)學會雜志—網(wǎng)絡公開版》(JAMA Network Open)本月發(fā)表的一篇論文稱,,與未感染新冠病毒的孕婦相比,,感染新冠病毒的孕婦死亡概率要高出15倍,,需要接受插管治療的概率高出14倍,早產(chǎn)的概率高出22倍,。華盛頓大學(University of Washington)的婦產(chǎn)科教授琳達?埃克特說:“我從未見過這類風險,。”

孕婦不愿意接種疫苗的情況非常普遍,,因為輝瑞(Pfizer Inc.)-BioNTech、Moderna Inc.和強生(Johnson & Johnson)的新冠疫苗在臨床試驗時均排除了孕婦,。針對孕婦接種疫苗的研究在2月啟動,目前有證據(jù)表明孕婦接種疫苗不會導致流產(chǎn)風險增加,。美國衛(wèi)生官員本月呼吁孕婦接種疫苗,。


得克薩斯大學(University of Texas)奧斯丁?戴爾醫(yī)學院(Austin Dell Medical School)女性健康教授、該校女性健康學會(Women’s Health Institute)婦幼內(nèi)科專家艾莉森?卡希爾表示,,孕婦較低的新冠疫苗接種比例和德爾塔變種病毒“導致出現(xiàn)重癥和需住院治療的孕婦數(shù)量大幅增加,有些患者甚至需要在重癥監(jiān)護室內(nèi)接受治療,。因新冠病毒出現(xiàn)的極端重癥的患者,,讓我們的醫(yī)療服務變得異常忙碌?!?/p>



南佛羅里達大學(University of South Florida)婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)學院(College of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology)的院長朱迪特?路易斯表示,絕大多數(shù)因為新冠肺炎住院治療的孕婦都沒有接種疫苗,。



在《美國醫(yī)學會雜志》(JAMA)發(fā)表的論文中,加州大學歐文分校(University of California, Irvine),、醫(yī)生和一名統(tǒng)計學家分析了美國超過650家學術醫(yī)院的臨床數(shù)據(jù)庫,,對比了自2020年3月1日至2021年2月28日期間分娩的新冠肺炎患者和非新冠肺炎患者。




加州大學洛杉磯分校羅納德里根醫(yī)療中心(Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center)重癥監(jiān)護室副主任尼達?卡迪爾表示,,該醫(yī)院在新冠疫情期間收治了許多被送入重癥監(jiān)護室的孕婦。該醫(yī)院是洛杉磯少數(shù)幾家為患者提供體外膜肺氧合(ECMO)治療的醫(yī)療設施,。體外膜肺氧合可以繞過心肺,,支持身體康復,。







位于南卡羅來納州芒特普萊森特的東庫博醫(yī)療中心(East Cooper Medical Center)婦產(chǎn)科主任兼婦幼內(nèi)科主任克里斯托弗?羅賓遜說:“我們無法預測哪些人會出現(xiàn)嚴重的新冠肺炎呼吸衰竭,。唯一可以用來判斷哪些患者較為安全的指標似乎只有疫苗接種記錄?!?/p>








《美國醫(yī)學會雜志—網(wǎng)絡公開版》(JAMA Network Open)本月發(fā)表的一篇論文稱,與未感染新冠病毒的孕婦相比,,感染新冠病毒的孕婦死亡概率要高出15倍,,需要接受插管治療的概率高出14倍,早產(chǎn)的概率高出22倍,。華盛頓大學(University of Washington)的婦產(chǎn)科教授琳達???颂卣f:“我從未見過這類風險,。”

孕婦不愿意接種疫苗的情況非常普遍,,因為輝瑞(Pfizer Inc.)-BioNTech,、Moderna Inc.和強生(Johnson & Johnson)的新冠疫苗在臨床試驗時均排除了孕婦。針對孕婦接種疫苗的研究在2月啟動,,目前有證據(jù)表明孕婦接種疫苗不會導致流產(chǎn)風險增加,。美國衛(wèi)生官員本月呼吁孕婦接種疫苗。


得克薩斯大學(University of Texas)奧斯丁?戴爾醫(yī)學院(Austin Dell Medical School)女性健康教授,、該校女性健康學會(Women’s Health Institute)婦幼內(nèi)科專家艾莉森?卡希爾表示,孕婦較低的新冠疫苗接種比例和德爾塔變種病毒“導致出現(xiàn)重癥和需住院治療的孕婦數(shù)量大幅增加,,有些患者甚至需要在重癥監(jiān)護室內(nèi)接受治療,。因新冠病毒出現(xiàn)的極端重癥的患者,讓我們的醫(yī)療服務變得異常忙碌,?!?/p>



南佛羅里達大學(University of South Florida)婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)學院(College of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology)的院長朱迪特?路易斯表示,,絕大多數(shù)因為新冠肺炎住院治療的孕婦都沒有接種疫苗。



在《美國醫(yī)學會雜志》(JAMA)發(fā)表的論文中,,加州大學歐文分校(University of California, Irvine)、醫(yī)生和一名統(tǒng)計學家分析了美國超過650家學術醫(yī)院的臨床數(shù)據(jù)庫,,對比了自2020年3月1日至2021年2月28日期間分娩的新冠肺炎患者和非新冠肺炎患者,。




加州大學洛杉磯分校羅納德里根醫(yī)療中心(Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center)重癥監(jiān)護室副主任尼達?卡迪爾表示,,該醫(yī)院在新冠疫情期間收治了許多被送入重癥監(jiān)護室的孕婦,。該醫(yī)院是洛杉磯少數(shù)幾家為患者提供體外膜肺氧合(ECMO)治療的醫(yī)療設施。體外膜肺氧合可以繞過心肺,,支持身體康復,。







位于南卡羅來納州芒特普萊森特的東庫博醫(yī)療中心(East Cooper Medical Center)婦產(chǎn)科主任兼婦幼內(nèi)科主任克里斯托弗?羅賓遜說:“我們無法預測哪些人會出現(xiàn)嚴重的新冠肺炎呼吸衰竭,。唯一可以用來判斷哪些患者較為安全的指標似乎只有疫苗接種記錄,。”






More young and healthy pregnant people are ending up hospitalized on ventilators, delivering babies prematurely and sometimes dying from COVID-19 during the Delta-fueled spike in cases.

Doctors across the country are reporting this trend, not seen in previous surges, largely in the South but also in states like California and Washington. As of Aug. 14, 76.2% of pregnant people were unvaccinated.

Pregnant women with COVID-19 are 15 times more likely to die, 14 times more likely to need to be intubated, and 22 times more likely to have pre-term birth than those who are uninfected, according to a study published this month in JAMA Network Open. “I have not seen risks like this,” said Linda Eckert, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington.

Reluctance to get the shots has been widespread among the pregnant population because they were excluded from clinical trials for the Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech SE, Moderna Inc., and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Studies on pregnant women began in February, and evidence has shown no increased risk of miscarriage from the shots. U.S. health officials this month stepped up calls for pregnant people to get vaccinated.

“Now we have a lot more compelling data about the safety of the vaccine in pregnancy and we have amazingly compelling data about how dangerous it is to get COVID when you’re pregnant,” Eckert said.

The low numbers of pregnant people who are vaccinated and the Delta variant have “created this perfect storm of pregnant people getting extremely sick and being hospitalized, and even requiring care in the intensive care unit,” said Alison Cahill, a professor of women’s health at the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School and maternal-fetal medicine specialist at the school’s Women’s Health Institute. “We have very, very busy services with patients extremely sick from COVID.”

Vaccine worries

Gabriella Nardi-McGee, who is six months pregnant and lives in New York City, got her first vaccine dose after the end of the first trimester of her pregnancy after initially worrying about harming her unborn child. However, she also was concerned about exposing her immuno-compromised mother to the virus and “did not want to be in a hospital and not be vaccinated,” she said. “That really scared me.”

Judette Louis, chair of the University of South Florida College of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology, said the vast majority of pregnant people getting hospitalized with COVID are unvaccinated.

“We did have a couple of vaccine breakthroughs that did end up needing to be hospitalized, but they did not end up on the ventilator,” Louis said.

People often undergo immune changes during pregnancy that can increase vulnerability to a severe type of COVID, potentially with respiratory issues, said Shweta Patel, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Florida.

In the study published in JAMA, University of California, Irvine, doctors and a statistician analyzed a clinical database of more than 650 academic hospitals in the U.S. to compare patients who gave birth with or without COVID-19 between March 1, 2020 and Feb. 28, 2021.

Of those cases, 5.2% of those giving birth with COVID were admitted to the ICU, compared with 0.9% of women without the virus; 1.5% of those with COVID were intubated, compared with 0.1% of women without the virus. Additionally, 16.4% of women with COVID delivered at less than 37 weeks, compared with 11.5% of those without the virus.

“Sometimes the illness can be significant enough such that we have to deliver folks early and when that happens, then that newborn baby who’s delivered extremely prematurely takes on all of the risks of a very preterm delivery that can be lifelong morbidities and even death,” Cahill said.

Immune systems

Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles has seen a lot of pregnant people admitted to the ICU throughout the pandemic, said Nida Qadir, associate director of the hospital’s medical ICU. It is one of the few facilities in the Los Angeles area that can put patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a machine that bypasses the heart and lungs to allow the body to heal.

Now that there are more cases overall, there are even more pregnant COVID patients in her ICU.

People who have to deliver early and end up on ECMO have a “l(fā)ong course to recovery,” said South Florida College’s Louis.

Taking care of severely ill COVID-19 patients can be more challenging if they’re pregnant. One important way to help patients in respiratory distress involves putting someone on their belly, known as proning. “While we’re able to do it, it for obvious reasons becomes more difficult if somebody is further along in their pregnancy,” Qadir said.

Doctors also need to keep oxygen levels higher for pregnant patients because “we are trying to keep in mind oxygen delivery to the fetus, which is very sensitive to changes in oxygenation,” Qadir said.

Premature birth

Qadir took care of one young woman who had an uncomplicated pregnancy and was athletic prior to getting COVID. The woman had to deliver her baby prematurely, “nearly died so many times,” and was in the hospital for months before she was able to go home.

“We cannot predict who is going to have that severe COVID pneumonia respiratory failure outcome,” said Christopher Robinson, chair of obstetrics and gynecology and director of maternal fetal medicine at East Cooper Medical Center in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. “The only thing that appears to be suggestive of who is safe and who is not is vaccination history.”

When Molly Wadzeck Kraus from Trumansburg, New York was considering getting vaccinated while pregnant, safety data still wasn’t available. “I struggled with the decision of whether or not to do it,” she said.

Her obstetrician said it was up to her. When data came out, Wadzeck Kraus discussed it again with her obstetrician and decided to get the vaccine. Four weeks ago, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

“Even if there was a risk of miscarriage, I would’ve much rather risked that than risk me getting COVID and dying and leaving my two children I already have without a mom,” Wadzeck Kraus said.



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