音樂 ????進入新千年以來,,音樂產業(yè)迅速向數字內容傳遞方式轉變,上百萬用戶通過Napster等在線音樂服務網站非法下載音樂,,這種混亂局面使得音樂出版公司疲于應付,,只能在日益調低底線的痛苦中苦苦掙扎。 ????2003年,,蘋果公司推出數字內容服務iTunes,,對音樂下載進行收費。這項服務憑借其易用性,,并與熱銷的iPod緊密結合,,以勢不可擋的魅力征服了消費者。目前,,iTunes已經成為全球最大的在線音樂零售平臺,,注冊用戶超過2億,下載音樂數量達到150億首,。2011年秋,,蘋果公司推出了基于云技術的iTunes服務,,將進一步鞏固它的領先地位,。 |
Music ????The new millennium was all about a rapid shift to digital content delivery, a disruption that sent music publishers scrambling to preserve their downward-spiraling bottom lines as millions of users downloaded music illegally via services like Napster. ????Apple launched iTunes in 2003. A digital content service that charged for music, its ease-of-use and tight integration with the popular iPod proved irresistible to consumers. Now, iTunes is the largest online music retailer in the world, with over 200 million registered users who have downloaded 15 billion songs. The fall 2011 launch of a cloud-based iTunes service should only further cement that standing. |