????我剛剛讀完《史蒂夫?喬布斯傳》這本書,。喬布斯真是一個難以捉摸的天才。 ????這一點從很多地方可以看出來,,其中他對谷歌(Google)安卓的看法尤其突出,。 ????很明顯,,喬布斯將安卓視為頭號勁敵。他認為安卓無論外觀,、手感還是功能(觸控)上都剽竊了蘋果操作系統(tǒng),。他希望能夠徹底擊潰安卓。他覺得安卓是徹頭徹尾剽竊的產物,。 ????我曾與幾位設計專有軟件的人聊過,,他們的也有類似的感受。他們認為除了附帶的商業(yè)模式以外,,開源臺式機,、數(shù)據(jù)庫、操作系統(tǒng),、瀏覽器等等基本上都是對他們專有軟件的克隆,。 ????我也對這種觀點思索了很久。事實果真如此嗎,? ????開源運動有一點非常具有影響力,。這就是在全球范圍內組建一個共同體來設計、構建和傳遞編碼,。 ????我認為Linux操作系統(tǒng)在某種程度上與維基百科有著異曲同工之妙,。IT界怎么能夠同心協(xié)力創(chuàng)造出這么不可思議的東西! ????當然,,這種比較并不完美。我認為作為開放資源,,維基百科并不僅僅只是電子版大英百科全書(Encyclapedia Britanica)的替代品,。它還提供了非常不同的體驗(廣度、深度和實時),。 ????我想我們應該把開源運動的目標定得更高,。這并不僅僅意味著要推出Photoshop、Windows或者MS Office的開源版本,。開源運動應該具有更遠大的抱負,,而不僅僅只是追求免費和開放。它必須做到更好,。 ????能做到這些的開源項目才會讓我眼前一亮,。 ????畢揚?薩貝特是星火資本(Spark Capital)公司合伙人,該公司涉及的項目包括社交網絡Twitter,、輕博客Tumblr,、互聯(lián)網電視盒子Boxee、手機定位網站Foursquare,、問答網站Stack Exchange,、社交音樂發(fā)現(xiàn)引擎ExFM,、休閑游戲新興公司OMGPOP、電腦DIY服務公司Bug Labs,、手機娛樂公司SendMe,、體育類應用Runkeeper以及論文分享網站Academia.edu。
??? 譯者:李玫曉/汪皓
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??? I just finished reading the Steve Jobs biography. He was a complicated genius. #understatement ????One thing in particular (amongst several other items) is his view about Google Android. ????It was clear that he looked at Android as enemy number one. Steve looked at Android as a direct rip off — look and feel, and functionality (multitouch). He wanted to see Android wiped off the face of the planet. Ultimately he felt like it was stealing from the original. ????I've talked to a number of folks that build proprietary software and many of them feel similar. They think that open source desktops, database, operating systems, browsers, etc are basically clones of their proprietary counterparts but with a "radical" business model attached. ????I've been thinking about this notion for awhile. Is it true? ????There is something so powerful about the open source movement. The idea that a community can come together on a global basis and design, build and ship code is absolutely amazing. ????In some ways i think about Linux the way I think about Wikipedia. How is it possible that the community could come together and make something so incredible. ????But that comparison isn't perfect. I don't think Wikipedia is just an open source alternative to Encyclapedia Britanica. It's a vastly different experience (breath, depth and real time). ????I think we need to aim even higher with open source movement. It's not just about an open source version of Photoshop or Windows or MS Office. It has to be bigger and more ambitious than free and open. It has to be better. ????Those open source projects that do this are the one that blow me away. ????Bijan Sabet is a partner with Spark Capital, where his deals have included Twitter, Tumblr, Boxee, Foursquare , Stack Exchange, ExFM, OMGPOP, Bug Labs, SendMe, Runkeeper and Academia.edu. |