????今年全球科技企業(yè)的并購總額達到了1,257億美元,其中包括了谷歌對摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility Solutions)的88億美元的收購合同(收購價應為125億美元,不過湯森路透的報道未將摩托羅拉移動自身持有的37億美元現金計算在內,。)因此截止到8月15日,,今年的全球科技并購已經超過了2007年以后的任何一年,。2007年也是科技并購的黃金年份,當年的科技并購總額達1,347億美元,。而在2007年之前,,科技并購最興旺的年份還得追溯到2000年,,也就是互聯(lián)網泡沫膨脹的日子,。那一年的科技并購總額高達3,968億美元,。 ????今年還剩下四個多月的時間,,而且在納斯達克還有不少科技公司的估值偏低,。因此我們有理由相信,2011年將成為十年以來科技并購最興旺的年份,。 ????總體看來,今年全球并購總額已達1.8萬億美元,,比去年同期(截止去年8月15日)增長了31%,。其中有近840億美元的交購交易是八月發(fā)生的(而去年八月的并購額為2,313億美元)。2011年美國企業(yè)的并購交易總額目前為7,754億美元,,比去年同期躍升了76%,。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????Global tech M&A currently stands at $125.7 billion for the year, including Google's (GOOG) agreement to buy Motorola Mobility Solutions (MMI) for $8.8 billion (Thomson Reuters does not include MMI's $3.7 billion of cash-on-hand in its calculation). That's the highest tally through August 15 of any year since 2007, when there was $134.7 billion of tech M&A. After that, you need to go back to $396.8 billion in the dotcom heyday of 2000. ????With more than four months left to go and a number of undervalued tech companies floating on the Nasdaq, it's not unreasonable to think that 2011 will end up setting this decade's tech M&A benchmark. ????Overall, worldwide M&A now stands at $1.8 trillion for the year, which is a 31% increase over last year's figure on August 15. This includes nearly $84 billion of activity so far in August (last August, in total, was $231.3 billion). The aggregate value of deals for U.S.-based companies in 2011 currently stands at $775.4 billion, or a 76% jump from the 2010 tally at this date. |