財富中文網(wǎng) 2013-12-13 01:00When you're a founder, doing what's right for (your personal life) is usually what's right for the company.——蘇珊·格雷格·科格爾(Susan Gregg Koger,,美國ModCloth公...
《財富》(中文版) 2015-09-23 12:00As the wild terrain we're walking into grows more complex by the day, creating the right conditions for ourselves and others to ask the right questio...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2015-12-02 01:00The only security is courage.——弗朗索瓦·德·拉羅什富科(Francois De La Rochefoucauld,法國17世紀作家) ...
王衍行 2021-05-04 06:36巴菲特接班人問題,,早已成為全世界都在關(guān)注的焦點,十多年懸而未決,,現(xiàn)在終于有了答案,。伯克希爾公司董事長兼首席執(zhí)行官巴菲特,這位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)這家企業(yè)集團超過50年的億萬富翁,,將其繼任者確定為副董事長格雷格,,這使美國企業(yè)界最大的繼任問題之一塵埃落定。需要說明的是,,預(yù)計格雷格不會立即擔任這一職務(wù),。對于上周六收看伯克...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2014-11-05 08:00Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...
Shawn Tully 2025-03-10 07:13插圖來源:ANDRE LAAME“沃倫,誰會接替你首席執(zhí)行官的位置,?”年復(fù)一年,,每逢沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)主持的年會問答環(huán)節(jié),都會有人把這個問題拋給這兩位伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的傳奇領(lǐng)袖,,這個問題...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2013-12-16 01:00To create a truly healthy startup ecosystem, you have to first have an environment that is comfortable with its entrepreneurs taking risks and failur...
《財富》中文版 2012-06-15 01:00We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can ac...
《財富》(中文版) 2013-05-08 01:00Know the market. Is your product better or cheaper than the alternatives? If it's not better or cheaper than what's already out there, you don't have ...
財富中文網(wǎng) 2015-11-25 01:00The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks....