自從豐田1999年推出普銳斯(Prius)混合動力轎車以來,,美國汽車廠商就一直在譏諷普銳斯是個賠錢的噱頭,。與此同時,普銳斯的銷量卻一路走高——今年僅到目前為止,,豐田就已經(jīng)賣出了74,427臺普銳斯,,而且豐田還在不斷擴充普銳斯的產(chǎn)品線。而底特律三大廠商只有一款正兒八經(jīng)的混合動力車,,也就是雪佛蘭伏特(Chevrolet Volt),。這款轎車9個月前剛問世時很是風光熱鬧了一陣,但奇怪的是,,通用竟然沒能造出足夠數(shù)量的伏特混動車,,利用這股熱勁兒賺錢。到目前為止,,通用只賣出了2,870臺雪伏蘭伏特,。
譯者:樸成奎 |
No-show hybrids
????Detroit has been complaining that the Toyota Prius has been a money-losing stunt ever since it was introduced in 1999. Meanwhile Toyota sells more and more of them -- 74,427 so far this year -- and expands the Prius line with more models. Detroit's only dedicated hybrid, the Chevrolet Volt, was launched with great fanfare months ago, but GM bizarrely failed to build enough cars to capitalize on the enthusiasm. Sales to date: 2,870. |