????Lytro光場相機看起來與普通傻瓜相機差別極大,。它是一個狹長的矩形,,4.4英寸長,,1.6英寸見方,。矩形一邊是一組鏡頭,另一邊則是一個LCD觸摸屏,。沿著外殼,,分布著電源鍵,、拍攝鍵、USB接口,,以及一組極其靈敏的滑動裝置,,能夠移動F2鏡頭以實現8倍變焦。重量僅為7.5盎司,,非常輕盈,和Nook Touch電子書的重量差不多,。 |
Not a conventional design
????The device looks nothing like a traditional point-and-shoot. Instead, its elongated, rectangular shape is 4.4 inches long and 1.6 inches square. The lens sits at one end while, and at the other, there is an LCD touch-screen display. Power and shutter buttons, a USB port, and a touch-sensitive strip to move the F2 lens through its 8X zoom range are arranged along the sides. And at 7.5 ounces, it's also pretty light, roughly the same weight as a Nook Touch. |