????摩根大通(JP Morgan)的股票策略師們預計,2012年底標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)將回到經濟衰退期前的水平,,目標點位1,430點,。他們相信當前的歐債危機將在2012年下半年得到緩解。他們還指出,,選舉周期可能對美國股市起到積極的支撐作用,。從歷史數據看,如果現(xiàn)任總統(tǒng)的支持率較低,,選舉年的股市表現(xiàn)就會較好,。
????當然,前提是歐洲的狀況不會進一步惡化,。 |
U.S. Stocks: Bull
????U.S. stocks may have seen wild swings in 2011, but some forecasters expect equities to rally in 2012 thanks partly to the Presidential elections.
????Equity strategists at JP Morgan see the S&P 500 ending 2012 at pre-recession levels, touching a price target of 1,430. They believe Europe's ongoing debt crisis will ease by the second half of 2012. They also note that the election cycle could positively support equities. Historically, stocks have performed well when an incumbent going into an election has had low approval ratings.
????Of course, that's assuming things in Europe won't take a turn for the worse. |