????不斷擴大的Facebook朋友圈意味著我必須得對我所查看的內容非常謹慎。如果我毫無經驗地點擊了一位Facebook朋友看過的一篇《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)網站的報道,,我在這上面看過的所有文章就會全部自動播放,。如今,流媒體音樂服務Spotify等其他應用軟件與Facebook的整合屬于強制性的功能,,意味著我有一半的時間要進入“私密狀態(tài)”(Private Session),,以便其他人看不到我在聽什么歌。另外,,雖然定向廣告對于營銷機構和消費者是雙贏,,但不斷地看到屏幕右方那樣的“受贊助內容(Sponsored Stories)”,我真是哭笑不得,。(老實說,,Facebook,我不喜歡紋身的人,,也不喜歡香柏木酵素浴的氣味,。)
????Facebook也推動了社交網站形成了獨有的用戶禮節(jié),但其中有些習慣并不好,。同樣的行為在影院中已日益減少——像看電影的過程中手機聲此起彼伏,,人們交頭接耳——我發(fā)現有些用戶變得不那么禮貌了。如果我沒有“喜歡”有些人發(fā)布的內容,,他們會盯著我,。(“伙計,點“喜歡”,!”)有些人指望我對他們的情況了如指掌,,因為我們是Facebook朋友。(對了,,你在Facebook上看到了……吧,?”) 而且,由于Facebook養(yǎng)成了我們即刻滿足的傾向,,我們期待網絡世界事情的進展甚至比現實生活中還要快,。一個朋友在另一個人的主頁上毫不客氣地留言:“我跟你打招呼,你怎么還沒回復我,?都已經過去20分鐘了,!”
????當然,,所有這些都源于Facebook這一杰出創(chuàng)造。但短期內我不會關閉Facebook賬戶,。我會嘗試減少使用時間,。我在Facebook賬戶中投入了這么多的時間和心血,這里有太多的朋友,、照片,、鏈接和狀態(tài)更新信息,不太愿意一下子舍棄這一切,。我試圖在“健身間隙不忘查看Facebook”和“關閉Facebook賬戶”這兩個極端之間找到平衡點,,我會提醒自己Facebook的種種好處。它讓我和老朋友保持聯系,。它通過朋友的推薦和一點點運氣給我?guī)砹撕芏嘈碌男畔?。而且最重要的是——不管我說出來沒有——我還是希望受人追捧,不論在網絡世界獲得的這種感覺多么容易轉瞬即逝,。 |
????Ever-increasing Facebook partnerships means I need to be careful about the content I consume. Because I naively clicked on an online Washington Post story a Facebook friend read, all the stories I read from that outlet are automatically broadcast. With other apps like Spotify, Facebook integration is mandatory, meaning half the time, I enter a "Private Session" so others can't see which songs I'm listening to. And while I get that targeted advertising can be a win-win for marketers and consumers, I don't know whether to be amused or uncomfortable with recurring "Sponsored Stories" like the one to your right. (For the record, Facebook, I neither like guys with tattoos nor cedar enzyme baths.)
????Facebook has also given rise to user etiquette unique to the social network -- and not all of it's good. The same way behavior in the movie theater has gone downhill -- cell phones ringing, people chattering mid-scene -- I'm noticing some users becoming less polite. People bug me if I don't "Like" something they put up. ("Dude, 'Like' it!") Others expect me to know what they've been up to because we're Facebook friends. (Well, you saw on Facebook... right?") And because Facebook nurses our propensity for immediate gratification, we expect things to happen even more quickly there than in real life. Wrote one friend un-ironically on another's wall: "Why haven't you poked me back yet? It's been 20 minutes!"
????That may be why several current and former users I've spoken with continue to steer clear of Facebook, deactivate their accounts, or ratchet down their usage. The evolving Facebook experience has either turned them off or the social network increasingly drew them away from the real world, breeding a false sense of intimacy where following friends and family on Facebook displaced deeper, quality interactions with them.
????Of course, all of this is the result of Facebook's genius and I won't be deactivating my profile any time soon. But, I will try using it less. I've invested so much in my Facebook profile, spent countless hours building it up with friends, photos, links and status updates, that the idea of unplugging seems like the less attractive option. As I try to find a happy medium between gym checks and deactivating, I'll remind myself of Facebook's virtues. That it connects me with old friends. That it does expose me, through equal parts social recommendation and serendipity, to new bits of information. When really at the core of it, whether I'll say so, I still want to be liked, however fleeting the online equivalent of that may be. |