起亞遠艦,、Forte Koup,、索蘭托
????起亞默默無聞的日子很快就要到頭了,2011年,它的銷量已經上升了超過三分之一,。各款車型的街頭曝光率也在上升,。起亞的設計風格比較開放,未來起亞還會從那些樹大根深的競爭對手手里攫取到更多的份額,,但目前它們還能保住現有的基業(yè),。起亞遠艦(Optima)需要與由凱美瑞(Camry)和雅閣(Accord)領銜的中型車大軍進行硬碰硬的競爭,Forte Koup要死掐本田思域(Honda Civic),,而索蘭托(Sorento)則要與豐田漢蘭達(Highlander)和雪佛蘭Equinox等中型SUV進行競爭,。 |
Kia Optima, Forte Koup, and Sorento
????Kia won't remain unknown for much longer -- sales jumped by more than one-third in 2011. Visibility of individual vehicles is also growing. Kias tend to be extroverted in their designs. Further gains will come against entrenched opposition, but for now they are holding their own. The Optima competes in the hard-fought mid-size sedan segment where Camry and Accord reign supreme, and the Forte Koup goes head to head with the Honda Civic, while the Sorento takes on the Toyota Highlander and Chevy Equinox mid-size SUVs. |