????深海區(qū)域只是BP龐大的全球資產(chǎn)的一小部分。盡管犯下這么多錯誤,,這家公司還是很難(如果不是毫無可能的話)就此倒下,。任何一家石油公司都是這樣,它們不會覺得未來堪憂,,原因在于,哪怕它們必須努力找油,,但石油這種商品不但利潤極其豐厚,,而且需求量還在日益增長。能源管理協(xié)會(Energy Administration Association)發(fā)布的《國際能源展望》預(yù)計,,2008年到2035年期間,,全球能源消耗量將增長約53%。盡管可再生能源將是未來燃料組合中增長最快的組成部分,,但石化燃料仍將占據(jù)主流,。
????BP新任首席執(zhí)行官鮑勃?達德利稱,,公司已經(jīng)修正了發(fā)展路線,。只有時間能告訴我們他所說的是否屬實。然而,,石油巨頭們總能搖身一變,、恢復(fù)元氣。??松凸揪褪莻€很好的例子,。還記得埃克森瓦爾迪茲號(Exxon Valdez)漏油事件嗎,?當時,,一位醉醺醺的埃克森油輪船長駕船擱淺,,將1,100萬加侖石油傾入阿拉斯加原本處于原始狀態(tài)的威廉王子灣(Prince William Sound),。這一事故令人厭惡,不可原諒,。但是此后不久,,??松陀种卣衿旃牧恕?/p>
????譯者:清遠 |
Beyond petroleum, beyond the Gulf
????Deepwater is only one slice of BP's plentiful global assets. As many mistakes as it has made, the company is very difficult, if not impossible, to kill. Any oil company would be, because even though they must work harder for their oil, the commodity is both extremely profitable and in increasingly greater demand. The Energy Administration Association's international energy outlook predicts that global energy consumption will jump by about 53% between 2008 and 2035. While renewable sources of energy will make up the fastest-growing segment of the fuel mix in the future, fossil fuels will remain the dominant source.
????It seems like any company with its hands on enough petroleum can afford to spill millions of gallons of crude with upsetting, but nonfatal, corporate consequences, even if that company is playing in one of the world's most volatile markets.
????In fact, huge, integrated oil companies can adjust to the volatility in the market. When the price of oil is low, exploration and production is expensive, but companies can rely on retail assets such as gas stations to benefit from the high profit margins at the pump. When the price of oil is high, then the exploration and production arms become the main moneymakers. The price of oil has been so high for so long that ConocoPhillips is planning to spin off its refining arm in 2012 and focus only on exploration and production.
Out of sight, out of mind
????Financial stability aside, the flurry of bad press around BP has died down, despite the skeletons in its safety record that the spill revealed. Though there was over 5 million barrels worth, the oil that spilled in the Gulf entered an ecosystem that, though damaged, is full of petroleum-consuming bacteria. The oil that wasn't dissolved by chemical dispersants or microbes fell to the bottom of the ocean, out of sight to the public.
????BP's new CEO Bob Dudley says the company has righted its course. Only time will tell, but Big Oil is capable of change. Exxon is a good example. Remember the Exxon Valdez? A drunk Exxon oil tanker captain ran the ship aground, spilling 11 million gallons of oil in Alaska's formerly pristine Prince William Sound. It was ugly and inexcusable. But then, Exxon restructured itself.
????Outwardly, the oil giant was stand-offish to the press about the incident. But it made internal changes, and the company now has some of the highest safety standards in the industry. Perhaps BP will follow suit. It's progress should be carefully watched, after such a big mistake.
????But the bar for mistakes at Big Oil companies is so high, it's hard to imagine how big an error would have to be to actually take one of them down. |